Choose The Most Likely Outcome of the Huma/Weiner Email Security Breach

hillary-humaWe are currently watching a spectacular political drama that can have any of a dozen different outcomes. The only thing we can be sure of is that there will be an outcome.

I will describe each of the outcomes I can envision in the most positive way possible, with no opinion as to the desirability or value of the outcome. They are listed in order of their effect on the current presidential election.

I invite you to read all of the outcomes I envision and select the outcome you envision.If you see an alternative outcome, feel free to describe it.

1. The Clinton Foundation machine maintains control of the narrative through its control of the media and the Justice Department. The Clinton Machine maintains control of the Electoral College and Hillary Clinton is elected. Hillary has a health crisis and Tim Kaine becomes President of the United States.

2. The Clinton Foundation machine struggles to maintain control of the situation through its control of the media and the Justice Department. Efforts fail to appoint a special prosecutor and to assemble a Grand Jury in time to indict Hillary Clinton. The bad publicity is sufficient to affect votors and Trump wins the popular vote but the Electoral College comes through for Hillary and she is sworn in as President.

Public outcry forces the empanelment of a Grand Jury and Hillary has a health crisis and Tim Kaine serves as President for most of the four year term.

3. The Clinton Foundation machine struggles to maintain control of the situation through its control of the media and the Justice Department. The FBI succeeds in presenting a case for indicting Huma Abedin and Hillary throws her under the bus. Huma falls on her sword to protect Hillary, but the security breach causes Congress to act and deny Hillary Clinton access to security information necessary to be president. Trump wins the popular vote but the Electoral College comes through for Hillary and she is sworn in as President.

Hillary is forced to resign and Tim Kaine serves as President for most of the four year term. Hillary is indicted, but is pardoned by Tim Kaine.

4. The Clinton Foundation machine fails to maintain control of the situation and the full details of the security breach become known to the world at large. Public opinion turns against Clinton and the DNC asks Hillary to step down as the Presidential Candidate and Tim Kaine becomes the presidential candidate with  a party loyalist as VP candidate. Trump wins the popular vote but the Electoral College comes through for Kaine and he is sworn in as President. Hillary is indicted, but has a health crisis and succumbs.

5. The Clinton Foundation machine fails to maintain control of the situation and the full details of the security breach become known to the world at large. Public opinion turns against Clinton and the DNC asks Hillary to step down as the Presidential Candidate and Tim Kaine becomes the presidential candidate with  a party loyalist as VP candidate. Trump wins the popular vote but the Electoral College comes through for Kaine and he is sworn in as President. Hillary is indicted, but is pardoned by Tim Kaine. She has a health crisis and disappears from public life.

6. The Clinton Foundation machine fails to maintain control of the situation and the full details of the security breach become known to the world at large. Public opinion turns against Clinton such that Donald Trump wins the popular vote and the Electoral College. Trump is sworn in as President and begins to clean house.

Hillary is indicted and sentenced, but her sentence is commuted by Donald Trump.

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