We are spiritual beings, but the health and energy level of our body become a primary concern as we age. We may find ourselves spending much of our time and money getting repairs and adjustments from traditional medical resources without attaining any confidence that we can resume life as before. Our attention becomes more fixed on the limitations we face than on the things we do to enjoy life.

This is not helped by the quantities of painkillers we may take daily to lessen the pains routinely experienced as we age. People are taking quantities of Ibuprofen, Tylenol, aspirin, and alcohol, every day to lessen the physical and emotional pain of everyday life. We, who communicate with spirits daily, should be aware that many of the pains we experience are being picked up from the spirits accompanying us through life, but we forget and assign them to more mundane causes.

I talk to clients daily and see them change from tired professionals, stoically ignoring the discomforts of their current state, to energized individuals eager to take on the challenges of the day after less than an hour of spiritual healing. We are thousands of miles apart but our interaction enables them to increase their life force to an amazing degree, just by addressing the concerns of the spirits affecting them and their bodies.

After 14 years of researching spirits while developing Spiritual Rescue Technology, I continue to be amazed at the degree to which the material universe and the health of our bodies are affected by the state of our spiritual companions. When they are in bad shape, things go wrong and our bodies have crippling aches and pains stemming from incidents they are reliving. When we are able to keep our spiritual companions in a cheerful and productive state, life is so pleasant that we forget the upsets of the past and live happily in the present moment.

The purpose of this workshop is to raise the awareness of participants to the actual sources of their current discomforts and disabilities so they will be able to take action themselves to increase their health and energy levels. Being stoic in the face of emotional and physical pain is not necessary if you understand the role spirits play in affecting your health. SRT processes are easily learned, and for the most part, can be used by the person themselves to handle spiritually caused illness and other disabilities.

If a person wishes to cut down on the painkillers and other medications they are using to survive, they should investigate what happens when they learn to recognize and handle spiritual influences. Sickness and disabilities are not a normal situation. Participants in this workshop will get the opportunity to recognize spiritual influences and how to address and handle them.

Join me on Sunday, February 18th at 12 noon EST for a workshop that may change your outlook on life. Use this link to join the Zoom conference: 

The workshop is free but if this is your first visit, you should prepare yourself by reading, Talking To Spirits, available on Amazon or as a free download here: 

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It’s OK To Ask For Help When You Run Out Of Ideas

It is entirely OK to assume control of your life and make all the decisions you need to succeed. If you are managing things well enough that your outlook is favorable, you do not need anyone else’s approval. If you have come to the end of your rope and you are desperate for a solution, it is entirely appropriate that you ask someone else for help.

There are a few people who feel they can work out their own destiny no matter how badly they have screwed up in the past. These people can recognize the presence of godly spiritual beings but prefer to muddle their way through their confusions and are determined to take full responsibility for their actions, good or bad. These people tend not to be followers and are willing to break new ground if it suits their needs. These people find that Spiritual Rescue Technology is an appropriate tool for making changes that break a lot of conventional ideas about life. Their path to understanding is not easy or smooth, but they continue to gain awareness with every situation they handle using SRT.

There are others who are aware of spirits but have been indoctrinated to ask higher-level beings for help in everyday activities as well as in emergencies. They consider these higher-level beings as gods, angels, or possibly saints. Many of these people who routinely ask higher-level beings for help live exemplary lives and are a credit to their families and their communities. They are often used as examples of people living a life of grace and charity. They do not think of themselves as following instructions from others in all things, but they don’t have to take responsibility for what they do if they follow the instructions they get from higher-level beings. When something happens that falls beyond the scope of their instructions, they do not take the initiative to find solutions, instead, they will ask for help from their spiritual advisors.

If the spiritual advisors have knowledge that encompasses what these people are experiencing, they will provide answers that will resolve the problem. Spiritual advisors are not generally omnipotent, although they can be extraordinarily wise beings there will be areas of knowledge that are unknown to them. They can also have opinions about spiritual matters that are based on past experiences and these opinions will be passed on to those who seek their advice. Those who depend on spiritual guidance for direction, do not question the advice they are given and as a result, they may take actions that are not optimum based on current realities. In addition, a person who is dependent on spiritual guidance from an angel will not expect to improvise when they get results that are unexpected.

The problem, as I see it, is a matter of misidentification. The person prays for help to the angel Michael, Ridwan, Malik, Lucifer, or Gabriel, and a helpful, higher-level being answers. There are tens of thousands of beings who are willing to help a person in need and some of them are higher level than others. If a person wishes to assign divinity to the spirit who is willing to help them, it does not lessen the value of that help. It only serves to make the person feel that they are getting help from a recognized source. By identifying a spirit as a divine being the person requesting help is putting the spirit’s motives beyond question and the advice provided as heaven-sent, therefore beyond any cause for doubt.

Spirits do help us in many ways, and I can testify to the value of their advice and suggestions. I use their assistance daily and could not produce a fraction of the amount of work without their assistance. At the same time, I recognize that they are spirits like myself with long histories of successes and failures and their assistance can be colored by their past failures which still hold their attention. If I find a spirit acting to negate some action I feel is necessary, I make a point of finding why they are opposing my intentions. If I can agree with their reasoning, I will take their recommendations. If I find they are using inapplicable data from the distant past, I will help them sort that out and will continue as planned.

The important point I want to make is that spirits can provide useful advice as they have millions of years of experience, but I find that it is necessary to review their reasoning at times if their advice does not make sense in today’s world. So, it is OK to ask for help when you run out of ideas. You just need to make sure the help you are getting is useful. For that to happen, you must take responsibility for your actions and your results and not leave the matter up to some other spirits. In other words, trust, but verify.

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It’s time to get practical again!

We have been exploring the outer reaches of the spiritual aspects of personality and we know a lot more about why people act in mysterious ways, but we haven’t been spending enough time applying all of this knowledge to the important subject of spiritual healing. Yes, we are immortal spirits with untapped powers and whatnot, but we are currently operating bodies that are animated by large numbers of spirits and we don’t really have a handle on all of the things that spirits are doing with and to our bodies.

Some of us have a severe reality on what spirits can do to affect the health of our bodies. But most people are mired in a mystery when it comes assessing why their bodies do strange things. When medical professionals, with all of their experience, encounter spiritual effects on a body, they resort to defining these effects as syndromes, which means a group of symptoms which are known to go together but don’t have a clear cause, course, or symptom path. A disease is a disorder that is more likely to have a known cause, a distinct course, and established treatments.

I am not trying to make the point that all syndromes are caused by spirits, just that spiritually caused disorders are usually identified as syndromes because there is no easy solution for them using approved medical procedures.

Those of us who are used to working with spirits can usually spot the presence of spirits when a person is ill or injured and we can pick up the intention of the offending spirit as well. Handling the spirit with caring communication and Spiritual Rescue Technology allows an SRT user to heal another person quickly, even at a great distance. I have been doing online spiritual healing for clients located all over the planet and it is as easy as doing an in-person healing session, once you know how to communicate with spirits.

I am going to focus on spiritual healing for the next few workshops and am prepared to discuss how our recent discoveries regarding spirits contributing to our personalities affects our ability to do spiritual healing.

We are finally getting an understanding of the issues that prevent a person from communicating effectively with his spiritual companions and with spirits affecting the body’s health. To give you an idea of what this can entail, consider the situation where a SRT user is trying to heal someone by dealing with the spirit who is causing harm to that person’s body, and one of the spirits who is part of the sick person’s personality is opposed to the healing for some reason.

In other words, a person can have beings protecting him from spiritual attack by putting up a barrier and that barrier prevent him from being able to communicate with spirits. In order to deal with opposition from unexpected sources, an SRT user needs to understand the nature of the beings protecting a person as well as the beings attacking a person. The SRT user trying to heal someone is simply trying to locate the disturbed beings causing the problem and free them from the incidents they are stuck in.

The presence of beings who are opposing the healing activity will confuse the healer who does not have the data we recently discovered. It is my hope that we can effectively demonstrate how to use this data in the next few workshops.

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Creating The Right Ideal Scene Can Keep You Going Forever

Reposted as a reminder that you have work to do.

I am going to test your awareness here, not your credibility. If you are aware you are an immortal spiritual being who picks up a new body every 50 to 95 years, you can create an ideal scene that will enhance that activity and give you encouragement to continue forever.

If you have been indoctrinated to believe you are body and when it dies, you will go off to heaven or some other place, you will continue to struggle through life watching your body become less functional and your abilities dwindle until you decide to quit and go elsewhere. You will put more and more attention on the state of your body and spend more of your resources and money trying to keep it operational with medical treatments. Your quality of life will depend almost entirely on the state of your body.

For those of you who have some hint that you are a spiritual being. I have some suggestions for creating ideal scenes that will enhance every moment of your life in your present body and during your transfer into your next phase of existence whether in a body or not.

First of all, your ideal scene must include some provision for maintaining and enjoying your body. That is a given, at least for continuing life on Earth. More importantly, your ideal scene must include provisions for discovering your spiritual abilities and the abilities of the spirits who accompany you through life. If you have been following my writings through the last dozen years, you must have a hint, at least, that you are not here on your own. Your spiritual companions provide support and direction to your life when you know how to make use of their support. If you think you are here on your own, all alone against the implacable universe, you are not making use of the singular power that spiritual helpers can provide.

Furthermore, if you are that oblivious of your spiritual companions, I can guarantee that your indifference has not only lost you valuable support, it has probably irritated some of them to the point where they are causing you harm with their counter intention. Intention is cause and if you are surrounded by spiritual beings who are not in accord with your needs, their intentions may not be hostile but they will not be helpful. Everything that can go wrong will. Your spiritual companions influence and affect you every day and if your ideal scene does not include them and their welfare, you will encounter resistance when your desires do not take them into account.

Your first step in creating an ideal scene that makes use of the power of your spiritual companions is to communicate with them in a caring way and find out what they need and have to say. You should be doing this every day, preferably first thing in the morning while you are waking up or with your first cup of coffee. You can start by meditating to clear your mind and asking them what they have to say to you. Make sure you acknowledge everything they communicate, even the snarky comments if there are any.

Then you should let them know what you are trying to accomplish and get all of their comments and suggestions. Once you have gotten into this practice, you will find that they will have lots of suggestions and many of them will be valuable.

By now, you may have gotten the idea that your ideal scene is not an individual activity. Most of your helpful spiritual companions have been with you for many lifetimes and they will have excellent ideas for any ideal scene you wish to create. If you think of your life as a team effort, you are beginning to get the correct viewpoint for running your life and creating ideal scenes. Your spiritual companions joined you over many lifetimes, usually when you needed assistance and they felt they could help.

You merely need to learn how to manage them and how to keep them interested in helping you and life can be very easy and interesting indeed. You will also find spirits who have been damaged by their past experiences and you will need to learn how to help them and send them on their way to a new life. This is not exorcism, it is a conversational process that helps spirits discover what past events they are trapped in and gives them the assistance they need to come to present time and go free. It is called Spiritual Rescue Technology and you can learn it and use it by reading my books.

If you can think of yourself as the captain of a ship with a vast crew with millions of years of experience in every possible profession, you may be able to approach creating an ideal scene with a better attitude. You should set the course, but if you do not draw upon the experience of your spiritual companions, you will be wasting a valuable resource and will end up frustrated and unhappy.

The more you work with your spirits, the more your viewpoint expands and you realize that this lifetime is just one more step in achieving goals that are impossible to achieve if you limit yourself to a simple human experience. You have abilities you are not using now and have not used for centuries. If you work on creating an ideal scene that takes into account your spiritual companions and their abilities, your options for future adventures expand astronomically. This lifetime becomes one step of many on the road to recovering your full spiritual abilities rather than an unending series of short lives ending in oblivion again and again.

Are you willing to create an ideal scene to recover your immortality and all of the power that came with it? We are way overdue for a change and this is something we can do together. I will be continuing this discussion in the next few posts.

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