Category Archives: Spiritual Counseling

Kinder Ways To Get A Spirit To Recognize Their Responsibility For Their Present Condition

Any being who can recognize what they have done to create the mess they are in can change that mess into an opportunity for success. Beings, in or out of bodies, who cannot recognize the mistake they made, are stuck … Continue reading

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Are You Approaching SRT The Hard Way?

Spiritual Rescue Technology is simpler than you might imagine. It is a collection of observations of spiritual activity that can be verified by anyone who chooses to repeat those observations. How do you know when an observation is correct? It … Continue reading

Posted in Spiritual Abililties, Spiritual Counseling | Leave a comment

When Your Goals Need A Course Correction

How many of you are running on outdated goals? Take a look and see if any of these situations apply to you. Are you are still being a parent bringing up a child? Your child is married with children and … Continue reading

Posted in Spiritual Counseling, Spiritual Technology at Work | Leave a comment

Inside A Spiritual Rescue Technology Counseling Session

I need to emphasize that Spiritual Rescue Technology (SRT) sessions are unlike any spiritual counseling sessions you will see elsewhere because we actually communicate with spirits as equals instead of commanding them or exorcising them. We are also communicating with … Continue reading

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