Square Is Headed On A Collision Course With Reality

After Square froze my account for 90 days after a data entry error and prevented me from contacting a human customer service person, I decided to look for others who may have been victims of Square’s automated customer support system.

It turns out that there are thousands of small and large businesses which have been damaged by Square’s robot card processing systems and it has been happening for years.

When they freeze money paid to a company, this impacts the company and the customer who has paid for service, since not every company can deliver if they have not received payment. Square is an enormous company with a terrible customer service record and they have been able to cover up the complaints until recently.

Here is a partial list of complaints against Square


Square uses AI to handle its customer interface and does not provide help from human employees. There are thousands of complaints about Square freezing the accounts of existing customers with no feedback on what went wrong. They then use a computer-generated questionnaire to determine if you are a suitable customer and if the system does not like your answers, your account stays frozen for 90 days or more.

I went to the BBB site to see what the BBB had to say about Square and found that customer reviews are not used by the BBB in calculating a rating! If you have questions about Square, you need to go to the Internet and see what customers are saying.

If you have an online business, you are putting your reputation at risk by using Square for money transfers.

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