This Free Book Will Change Your Life

If you read this book you will learn about spirits you can talk to safely and spiritual practices to avoid if you wish to retain your sanity. You can read many session examples showing handling spirits who affect your life and control your actions. You will also read session examples showing how spiritual possession is handled and how walk-ins who take over a person are handled. The data in this book will allow you to take control of your life in ways you will not find elsewhere.

I wrote this book five years ago with the help of a wonderful group of friends. If you read this book, some of you will be able to use Spiritual Rescue Technology on yourself and others without my assistance. I know this because I keep hearing from SRT users I have never spoken to personally. After you have read this book, if you would like my assistance in using SRT, I will give you a free introductory session in which you will have the opportunity to get acquainted with your personal collection of spirits.

You can buy this book on Amazon, but you can download a free PDF copy from this link:

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