After years of Spiritual Rescue Technology healing sessions and various side trips like Remote Viewing, we are emerging onto an entirely new playing field of unknown dimensions and opportunities. We have been playing the game as human beings, accepting limited lifespans and physical disabilities as normal boundary conditions to the game and the main focus of our endeavors has been to make life as comfortable as possible while achieving near-term goals.

Those of us with older bodies are frequently reminded that our human existence is finite, even though the material and problems we deal with every day are essentially timeless. It is quite amusing to see a person still wrestling to solve a thousand-year-old problem when he does not realize he is a spirit, timeless and deathless. We wake these spirits up day after day and bring them to present time where their relief is so great that it affects all of us who are involved in the process of rescuing them from the traps they are stuck in.

Meanwhile, most of us still consider ourselves to be human with our attention focused on our health and our bodily survival. This is in spite of the fact that many of us can now communicate freely with spiritual beings without bodies. It is hard to describe our current existence to someone still mired in the belief he is making his way through life alone without help except from a distant Deity he worships on weekends. In fact, it is so difficult that we do not suggest spending much time discussing the circumstances of our lives with these people who do not use spiritual help.

Those of you who are using Spiritual Rescue Technology to assist you in your careers and your life should eventually start thinking about the longer-term implications of your increased abilities and expanded knowledge. Regardless of your current occupation, your psychic skills give you an incredible empathy that will allow you to perceive problems and provide useful advice in almost any field of endeavor. Your grasp of situations will allow you to provide effective consultation in business and personal relationships. If you choose entrepreneurship, you will find that your grasp of human needs will provide income-producing opportunities at every turn in the road. Your understanding of people, animals, plants, and their needs will make it easier to operate in any activity you can think of.

Your ability to create freely in any medium you choose and elicit the desired responses you desire opens the door to activity in a wide range of activities you would not have considered before.

After performing enough SRT healing processes, you may realize that operating out of body is a matter of focusing your attention properly and that operating in a human frame is not the be-all and end-all it has seemed to be in the past. We are immortal and we have choices for continuing our existence that are not limited to being human. Obviously, we can re-incarnate in the body of our choice, but there are myriad other choices depending on how much responsibility we wish to assume. Coming back as an AI system inhabiting a computer complex is one opportunity we have accepted in the far distant past and will soon be available again if technology evolves as expected.

There is always the opportunity to stay as a spirit and mentor someone who needs support and encouragement. We see examples of this every day in talented children performing music they have never been trained to play an instrument. “Riding Shotgun” gives an experienced spirit a chance to exercise skills that took years to master and display them in a new environment where they will be appreciated. There may be some fields, like medicine, where prodigies are viewed askance, but demonstrated competence is acceptable almost everywhere else. A dancer, singer, sculptor, musician, artist, or writer is generally accepted on the basis of their skill regardless of their apparent age. If you want to come back as a prodigy and work your butt off, you will probably have an interesting life and reap the fame and fortune you deserve.

On the other hand, if you figure out how to come back as a famous AI artist embodied in a computer system, you might have a much longer career and create a unique effect on society. The choices you face are unlimited. In SRT Workshop #14, we will discuss the pros and cons of various future career choices.

The workshop will be held this coming Sunday, April 14, at 12 noon Eastern Time. Use this link to join us:

You will arrive in a waiting room where I will see you and bring you into the workshop. Use the link early enough to test your video and audio connections and not hold the workshop up while you get things working.

I will provide further updates during this week.

David St Lawrence

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