Are You Still Uncertain About Spiritual Healing?

If so, there are a few tested actions you can do to resolve any doubts you have one way or another. You can inform yourself of the actual activities and intentions of the group of spiritual healers you are interested in. Ask one of the people who have used the services of the healer and you will get first-hand information. If you are looking to the Catholic Church or the Church of Scientology for information, you will not get accurate information.

Look at the statistics of the person or group. How long have they been practicing their healing arts? Have they been healing people for a long time? Go to a spiritual healer who lives modestly and has been delivering good service for some time and you will find a healer who puts their attention on servicing people and producing results. If you are looking for a healer with a large central organization and elaborate buildings, that is where their attention has been focused and you may not get the personal service you need.

You also need to look at the attitudes of those people you rely on because if they are antagonistic to spiritual healing, you will be breaking implicit agreements you have established with them and they will be furious with you if you choose to ignore their warnings. You may have observed that spiritual healing is the solution to your current problems and have great certainty about that decision, but breaking your current agreements, even if these agreements are implicit, will require you to make great changes in your life. You will receive support from those who adopt spiritual healing and their help will change your life for the better, but you will become an outcast from groups you once were a part of.

You may decide that continuing your position as a family member and church member is more important than getting spiritual healing. If so, do everything possible to be a supportive member of the current groups and announce your decision to remain with them and support them fully.

If you decide that getting spiritual healing provides benefits you have not been able to get with your current group and actions, join the group providing spiritual healing and do everything possible to improve the actions and results of the group you have joined. Announce the fact of your choice of groups to both your new group and your old group so that you will have nothing to hide. Make it plain that your choice was made to improve your survival and you do not feel you have broken any formal agreements by doing so.

If you continue to get counter-intention from family and friends on your choice of spiritual healers, you should ask what data they are operating off and get them to send it to you in writing. You will find that they have been reading black PR from some person with an agenda or a connection to Scientology or some traditional religion with its own agenda. If you have done your homework and investigated the spiritual healer and experienced benefits that have changed your life, you have made your own observations and have made decisions based on them rather than on hearsay or opinion. You are not responsible for other people’s beliefs and if you choose to make your own observations, you will be able to choose wisely, no matter what others believe or say.

If you choose to remain in agreement with ideas you do not share, you are putting yourself in a lower condition and will never achieve the certainty you deserve. Learn to observe for yourself and then act on those observations. That is the way to gain certainty and personal power. In communicating your certainty, try to create effects that others can experience easily. Being caring and insightful will minimize the creation of effects that others can’t experience easily. If you are true to yourself and your observations, you will survive all counter-intentions.

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