Building A Technology Backwards

I never thought I would say this, but it is possible to start something by describing a final result and the processes required to create it and then work your way down through simpler and simpler approaches to achieve a satisfactory result with almost no technical complexities required.

When I first set up my independent counseling practice. I was using some variation of the processes I learned in Scientology to exorcise troublesome spirits from the body. Once I learned that communicating with spirits in a caring way produced superior results, I developed processes and delivered them over the Internet, and with the help of many volunteers ran online workshops, wrote books, and posted articles on many different websites.

We discovered all sorts of relationships between the spiritual realms and the material universe and the living creatures occupying it. We documented these relationships with different tables and charts and even developed axioms to put order into our observations and their meaning. I wrote several books which can be found online at with the last book, Talking To Spirits, containing everything you might need to know about Spiritual Rescue Technology.

We accumulated a massive amount of data which was opening new avenues of discovery almost every week, but I was not making progress toward making SRT simpler and more effective to use. In reviewing my online posts which have appeared over a ten-year period, I realized that I had written about many effective handling for spirits and had not stopped long enough to develop them for general use by newcomers.

In the last month or so, I have been working with simpler solutions to handle the effects that troubled spirits can create on unsuspecting people who are just trying to live their lives and raise their families. One of the simplest possible processes, involving putting attention on something and then withdrawing it repeatedly, turns out to be one of the most effective ways of handling spiritual interference with a person’s life. I had written about this process years ago in some detail but went on to research more complicated and elegant solutions for life’s problems. This process, titled Reach and Withdraw, duplicates the natural action of a healthy spirit who reaches out to investigate something and then withdraws to consider what has been observed.

I have now determined that one can handle severe problems of great magnitude by running reach and withdraw on a problem area with the assistance of a coach. This can be done as a solo action, but only with great difficulty. One reaches for an area or a problem of any sort and continues reaching and withdrawing until the area no longer presents any difficulty.

The reaching and withdrawing should be done in a caring way and continued until the person doing the reaching is relaxed and happy again. The presence of a coach prevents the person from becoming overwhelmed or distracted during the process. I will be writing a handbook dedicated to doing or coaching the reach and withdraw process so that anyone who is interested can teach themselves to do this successfully.

In the last few weeks, we have been running reach and withdraw sessions successfully to heal chronic problems and will be running SRT workshops every Sunday for a while to get as many of you up to speed as possible this year.

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