New Discovery – Provides Faster and Better Healing with Full Spectrum Spiritual Rescue Technology. Join us on Zoom using this link:

Our latest discovery let me help someone who was in so much physical distress that she could not manage to focus her attention on what was happening to her because she was trapped in her pain and discomfort and could not put her attention on what was causing the pain and discomfort. Her distress was so great that she could barely talk to me.
I was able to remove the pain and discomfort by using a Body Communication Process to locate the source of the pain and then used an SRT healing process to handle the spiritual distress that was causing the pain. This full spectrum process enabled the person to take back control of her body and then identify the spiritual cause of the torment she was experiencing and it only took a few minutes.
A Body Communication Process helps a person get in communication with their body and if it is continued long enough will eventually restore control of the body to the person. Unfortunately, if the person is still under severe spiritual attack it can take a very long time to restore the body to a healthy state. It is like trying to put a fire out while someone is still pouring gasoline on the flame.
The Body Communication Process is soothing and helps a person get in touch with body areas that have been neglected. If the body is still under spiritual attack, the process will bring any active attack into view and the person and healer will be able to perceive what spiritual activity is occurring.
The images and intentions of these disturbed spiritual beings become noticeable and it easy to get in communication with them and use standard SRT processes to free them from the incidents that they are trapped in.
We will be discussing the use of this full spectrum processing in the workshop and will engage in demonstrations on willing volunteers. This advanced process allows us to heal people we could not help previously.