Spiritual Entities and Stuttering

The spiritual entities who surround us have the ability to interfere with our speech in many interesting ways.

"Draw a picture of what it feels like to stutter." By RB, age 11, submitted by Adriana DiGrande

In most of the cases I have observed, the beings are trying to stop communication out of misplaced fear. In other cases, they are enthusiastically trying to interject ideas of their own into a conversation that they have opinions on.

In both of these situations, the entities are interrupting the speaker with a misplaced sense of urgency based on their reaction to some past event. Until you contact them and begin communicating with them, they have no awareness of themselves as being separate from the speaker. They are triggered by what you are attempting to do and they can’t help themselves from participating in what is happening.

I have not found it necessary to focus on the entity’s action of interrupting the speaker in handling what is going on. This approach has the potential to make the being wrong for what he is doing and is a violation of caring communication. Instead I found that the standard SRT processing approach works smoothly and produces fast and reliable results.

I start by asking the client who is being interrupted what emotion or thoughts they experience when the stuttering starts. Once they identify the emotion or thought, I have them locate the point from where that thought is emanating and we get in communication with the beings responsible.

From that point forward, the SRT procedure takes its usual course. We find the incident that causes the being to interrupt and what the being did to trigger the incident which he is still dramatizing. Then we persuade the being to locate all of the justifications for his triggering action until relief is obtained.

This where the process can get tricky, the being may run out of justifications for his action and not be able to get the normal relief that comes with discovering what he had done to initiate the life changing action that has resulted in his current compulsion to interrupt conversations.

This is where experience with SRT is needed. When a being cannot come up with a justification that releases his pent up charge and releases him from his compulsion, it is almost always because he was under the control of other beings when he performed his original fateful action.

It is necessary to locate these other beings and to relieve their compulsion to control these situations before the entire problem can be solved. This requires you to run SRT on these newly discovered beings and to handle whatever they are stuck in. In some rare cases, these beings may have been under the control of earlier beings so another SRT handling may need to be done, but fortunately these cases seem to be few and far between.

Once the earliest incident on the chain is handled, the later incidents go very quickly and all of the beings involved are ready to depart and create new lives for themselves. At no time during the SRT processing, do I ask questions relating to the interruption of the client’s speech. Instead, I check with the client after the beings have left and notice whether the client is able to speak without stuttering or interrupting himself. If the client’s stuttering seems to be reduced, I will ask how the client feels and get the client’s viewpoint on what has happened.

If the client still seems to have a tendency to stutter, I will suggest that we take up any residual tendency in another session, as there may be multiple entities participating in the interruptions. The next session if there is one, follows the same pattern as the first.

There is no attention given to the entity’s action of interrupting the client’s speech, only what the client is doing or experiencing that triggers the entity’s earlier incident.

Most of the earlier incidents we have encountered seem to involve entities being killed or tortured in an earlier life for speaking the truth to people who did not want to hear it. You can work out for yourselves how that would cause an entity to intervene in any situation where there might be resistance to what his client host was about to say.

David St Lawrence

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