Workshop 3-7-20 – Using Your Spiritual Companions To Create A New Career

Your spiritual companions can open new doors for you in a number of different areas.

In the past, I concentrated on helping students to become counselors and had even run an SRT Counselors Academy for a year. Most of the students became proficient in delivering SRT sessions, but only one went on to deliver SRT counseling on a regular basis.

Since then, I have concentrated on helping students to become more effective in life with no emphasis on counseling others. This is helped a number of my clients become more affluent and has made their professional lives more enjoyable. The primary reason for these gains was removing counter-intention from their everyday activities.

Almost all of you experience counter-intention to making changes in your lives, even when you discover a career that offers more satisfaction than what you are doing now. Those of you are doing what you want to do often find that there is too much effort involved for the satisfaction you gain from being in your particular profession.

Counter-intention and effort can be removed from your life by daily applications of Spiritual Rescue Technology, if you truly understand how to manage your spiritual companions and motivate them to support your intentions.

Many of you have demonstrated your ability to handle troubled beings, when they have been brought to your attention, but the usual situation we encounter is that you do not recognize a situation as being caused by spirits. Yes, there are germs, and viruses, and people out to get you and all sorts of hereditary disabilities you inherit from your parents, but amazingly enough many of these do not go into action or persist unless you have some spiritual distress present. Many of you have inured yourself (Desensitized yourselves) to the unhappiness and stress in your life. Like a leaky boat or an abused car, you just keep on going until you grind to a halt.

I am proposing that we create an academy for SRT users with a grade chart of abilities that measures proficiency in managing your spiritual companions and your life. You would only need to attend weekly academy sessions until you gained the proficiency level that you need to live a happy and productive life. The highest levels of the grade chart would certify you as an expert in the application of SRT to life and you would feel confident in your ability to pass on the knowledge to others if you chose to do so.

There would be weekly exercises with a twin or solo sessions and I would review your session notes to give you advice and correction as needed. Our Saturday workshop would be dedicated to reviewing progress and development of new assignments. Your weekly cost would be $25 USD and you have the freedom to take time off at any time.

You would have personal targets that you do not have to share with the group at large, but you would need to share them with your twin for greatest gains.

Along with the Academy activities, I would like to enlist some of you in taking over some of the responsibility for recording and preserving SRT knowledge. Once we decide how best to deliver SRT to the general public, we should develop marketing plans to support those who chose to promote and deliver SRT.

If this is a topic you would like to explore, join me for a free workshop on Using Your Spiritual Companions To Create A New Career – Saturday 3-7-2020 at 12 noon EDT on Zoom using this link:

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