Free Workshop on Changing Your Personality to Handle Emergencies

As you may have noticed, life is becoming chaotic in many places around the globe. You might even say that order is breaking down in ways we have not seen since early in the last century. Regardless of your race, education, or work ethic, you can become the subject of vicious attacks because of what you have said or written about almost anything.

You can spend endless hours seeking to find the hidden sources of this chaos, but a better use of your time is to prepare yourself for exposure to this insanity when it occurs. Facts will not matter when all around you are voicing opinions based on false data, but attitudes based on certainty will communicate when nothing else will.

One of the most upsetting things you will encounter is that people you have known for years will come out with outrageous opinions you have never heard before. It will seem as if someone else has taken control of your friend and turned them into a bigoted and insane person. Your attempts to set them straight will alienate them and can turn them into bitter enemies.

This is where you need to be able to maintain caring communication even when the other person is in the midst of what appears to be madness. Your survival may depend on you remaining dispassionate and calmly rational in the face of high emotions.

This is where changing your personality comes in. Your normal pride in your accomplishments and lifestyle needs to be held in check so that you do not take it personally when someone calls you racist or an enemy of the people because you don’t want to loot, burn, and destroy like the rest of the group.

You cannot rely on the support of your friends and employers because they may throw you under the bus when the mob wants your scalp. Their fear will make them sacrifice you so that the mob will leave them alone.

You need to remember that you are a spiritual being having a human experience and that the worst thing you can do is to compromise your personal integrity.

Know the truth, even if you are not allowed to say it publicly, and work to make it known eventually. Retreat from situations you cannot control and make plans to rectify the situation when you gather support for a positive change.

You will find the mob scene to be very restimulative and you will be tempted to react in many different ways. Use your knowledge of SRT to handle fears and upsets until you can come up with a rational plan to help restore order. This usually involves finding others with similar rational views and joining their efforts to restore sanity. This will go much faster if you restore sanity among your spiritual companions first.

This is an important discussion and I want to help you come to some useful conclusions this Saturday. Join me at 12 noon Saturday 6-20-20 on Zoom using this link:

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