Challenges To Overcome

In a recent post, I wrote my honest opinion of the current state of the union and that is the ship of state is foundering.

I did not mean that to suggest that all is lost for us in the US of A, just that we need to view our government situation in a new and different way.

As a first step, we need to find credible sources of news. Our current crop of news lizards is firmly wedded to the backside of one party or another and everything written supports a party line.

We need to find new news outlets and use them while they are still sources of news rather than opinion. Once they start gushing opinions, they become partisan, and it’s difficult to get a balanced point of view.

Our challenge is to churn through many different sources of information until we find those that we can evaluate as useful, or entertaining, or simply so biased that we use them to test theories. By that, I mean that posting something you are in doubt about on Facebook or Twitter and seeing if it gets banned will tell you that you have a piece of real news that is so true it needs to be banned.

The next challenge is to remain sane, which is not an easy action. If reading the news is upsetting you, you are doing it wrong! Get yourself into a calm state and see if you can duplicate the viewpoint of the writer. Try to be the person and imagine what is going on in his mind. When you truly understand a person, you will not hate him. More likely, you will pity him or her or it and will reach a more complete understanding of where they are coming from.

Once you can truly understand someone, you can take steps to avoid being the effect of that person. Otherwise, just thinking about the person will push your buttons and you will lose your ability to be in charge of the situation.

In times like these, it is every person’s job to remain sane because then you will be part of the solution and not part of the problem.

If we are to avoid a smoking ruin of a country, we need all of us to remain sane.

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