What About Demons?

What About Demons?

(A new chapter from the new book Managing Your Spiritual Companions in serial format)

A Demon is considered to be a source or agent of evil, harm, distress, or ruin. Demonic possession has been identified and fully described for tens of thousands of years. A demon is a supernatural being, typically associated with evil, prevalent historically in religion, occultism, literature, fiction, mythology, and folklore.

In Spiritual Rescue Technology, we learn that beings who have been trapped and betrayed in certain incidents can exhibit unnatural behavior and then spend eternity trying to get even with those who punished them. Beings operating in revenge mode are no longer capable of rational behavior and quite often attack anyone who approaches them no matter what their purpose. Essentially, a being driven insane by pain and torture can exhibit demonic behavior and not be able to snap out of it.

If you, as a regular earth person, pick up a demonic being as a spiritual passenger, you can find yourself acting out all sorts of impossible dreams as you seek to put control into your environment. For example, putting order into your environment normally means helping people recognize dangerous activities and avoiding and ending them. If you have a demonic spirit helping you and do not recognize it’s activities, you can begin to put order into your environment by punishing anyone who disturbs you or does not contribute to your view of what the environment needs.

As a rational being, you seek to remove disturbing people from your immediate environment. If you have demonic spiritual companions, you might be inspired to put them on cattle cars and send them to distant work camps where they can be disposed of.

Now, this might seem totally beyond the pale, but we all have racial memories of times when people who bothered us were burned at the stake or in huge piles when we felt it was necessary. Sometimes we were spectators, and other times we were participants with torches. Other times we were the ones who were burned, and that is the reason these tales are so upsetting.

Today, in 2020 and in 2021, we have the spectacle of mobs of students and other city dwellers burning buildings and breaking into stores upon hearing news that someone did something awful to someone else. After all, nothing says justice, like stealing a TV from a local merchant or pillaging a liquor store for your favorite libation. When you look at the pictures of those excitedly looting and burning, you can see that they are not acting like themselves. What is happening is that the demons we push back out of our conscious minds break free when we get too many reminders of the excitement that comes from rioting and destroying things. The senseless rampages of the past rise up and away we go to pillage downtown stores.

There are many of us who have done awful things and gone on to lead other lives and have been careful to forget those things we did. Some people can’t seem to forget, and their dreams are haunted by memories of foul deeds that just won’t go away.

Desperate priests have driven out demons since they were first discovered, and psychiatrists have continued the tradition by prescribing drugs that hush the demons, but only make them retreat into the background until the day you forget to take your medicine.

The only real way to handle your demons is to use Spiritual Rescue Technology processes and recover the incidents that first drove them mad. Once this is done, and they are freed from the incident, they are able to operate in present time and usually decide to take some time off on a deserted island or remote beach and figure out what they are going to do for their next few lifetimes. They no longer are driven by forces they cannot control. They recover their free will and are ready to get back in the game of life.

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