Online Counseling Opens New Avenues For Your Practice

I was reading a cute story about a hedge witch who relocated from west LA to Globe, Arizona, and how she needed to turn her divination clients over to other mediums in LA because she could not service them any more. The book was written in 2021, but the author must not have realized that we can do divination and all sorts of spiritual work over the internet these days.

If you establish your presence with the person you are counseling, your conversation is as intimate as you wish it to be. You are essentially closer than dealing with someone across a table or desk.

I was living in a delightful small town in the mountains of Virginia where the local population was 431 people and several thousand cows and we decided to move to Cary, North Carolina when advancing age made our acreage too much of a burden to maintain. If my counseling practice was not 90% online, it would have meant a drastic change in my ability to service clients.

The weekly workshops I held in my studio were replaced with online workshops which included participants from five continents. Most of my practice involves people in the US who want spiritual counseling, but I regularly hold counseling sessions with people in places as distant as South Africa, Australia, and British Columbia in Canada.

Most of my practice comes from referrals and from people who have read my articles on Facebook. The flexibility of online counseling has to be experienced to appreciate the huge savings in time and money it provides to clients and to yourselves. I had delivered sessions to people on cellphones in their automobiles, and to people in their offices and later at home. I can deliver a counseling session anywhere a client can find privacy and quiet.

If you are delivering a one-on-one service, whether it is financial advice or divination, you should consider investing in a Zoom account or something equivalent so you can deliver your service wherever the client is and not require them to come to your office. It will save everyone time and money and extends your working day if you desire to provide services over an extended time for clients who need services from distant locations.

Delivering services online means you no longer have geographical boundaries for your practice.

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