Can You Heal Yourself Using Spiritual Rescue Technology?

Yes, you can run solo sessions yourselves, and many of you have learned how to do this just by reading any of the books I have written. But now, I have discovered a simpler way for you to handle the spirits you become aware of as your awareness increases.

The cruel reality of life on this planet, at least, is that you are surrounded by spirits, and you and your body are continually being influenced by these spirits to some extent. If you are certain that you are a meat body with a soul and will go to some other place when you die, you will suffer through life and continually wonder why bad things happen to you. You may never even wonder where certain strange thoughts and feelings come from. You will just go on hoping for the best and looking for a sign that someone is looking after you.

On the other hand, some of you have always been aware that there is more to life than making a body grow up and die. You see auras and energies that other people can’t see, and you are aware of spiritual beings and their efforts to communicate with you. You learn various spiritual disciplines in an effort to achieve peace of mind, and strangely enough, the more you achieve peace of mind, the more spirits you become aware of and the more telepathic messages you receive.

This is why Scientologists and other highly trained people get a bit strange in their advanced years. They are taught that getting rid of stray beings will increase their power and awareness. It certainly does that, but the supply of stray beings is infinite, so the more you remove by exorcising them, the more you are aware of how many still exist.

In Spiritual Rescue Technology, we regard these stray spirits as a resource that we can tap. When we free a being who is trapped in an incident and bring them to present time, we can recruit them to help us with our projects if they are willing to work in harmony with us. If their interests do not align with ours, we set them free to exercise their free will elsewhere. For example, if we free a spirit who is still set on conquering the world of science while we are happily pursuing a gardening career, we have freed ourselves of a constant distraction, and we can both continue our pursuit of happiness, but in different directions.

Since there is an ever-present supply of spiritual beings and we pick up more every day when we interact with other people and places, it is vital for us to learn how to do solo SRT sessions so we can handle beings as we become aware of them. I have published a Handbook For Solo Spiritual Counseling Sessions – revision 4 to give you all of the details for setting up and running sessions, but I can give you the essentials now so you can see how this differs from the earlier solo process.

1. Establish your peace of mind with a brief meditation before beginning the session.
2. Locate the being or beings who are in distress by putting your attention on them.
3. Imagine that you are the being or beings until you fully understand what they are concerned about.
4. Re-establish your peace of mind and intend that these beings will be able to trust you.
5. Observe the being or beings while keeping your peace of mind in place until the being or beings show that they trust you. This will only happen when you have a clear intention to help them and be worthy of their trust.
6. When the beings show that they trust you, ask them questions to help them resolve what they are concerned about. If you have maintained your peace of mind, you will know what is uppermost in their minds and will know what to ask to help them resolve their issues.
7. You may have to ask if they know they are immortal beings and are they willing to exercise their free will again. Would they like a fresh start elsewhere, or are they interested in helping you with your projects?
8. Continue working with them until you and they both experience a release.
9. End off or find a new spirit to work with.

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