Working With Life Forces – Life Force Series 3

Life force is what accomplishes things in the material universe so when more is available, more gets accomplished. Wherever there are spirits, there are life forces. We are surrounded by spirits and our bodies are permeated by spirits. It is very important that we learn how to increase our personal life force and to increase the life force of the spirits working with us. We also need to manage the spirits who surround us so they work with us and their life forces are operating in alignment with ours.

Our level of life force is managed by our intentions and the intentions of the life forces surrounding us. When we consider we are overwhelmed and defeated, our life force is diminished. When we admire others, their life force is increased. When other spirits admire us, our life force is increased. When we work together with other life forces in a worthwhile endeavor, all of our life forces are increased.

Spirits working together with free will make a life force that is greater than the sum of the original parts. Furthermore, these aligned spirits attract other spirits, and the life force of each member of the group increases. Morale increases, mutual admiration increases, and every spirit involved is more alive.

If your handling of your spiritual companions decreases the free will of the beings who help you, the life force of these beings will decrease. If the actions of your group bring it under attack, the life force of the group members will decrease. Lack of a worthwhile endeavor or poor management on your part will decrease the life force of your spirits and your own life force.

If your endeavor is worthwhile, and you recognize your role in maintaining the agreements holding the group together, the group will resist outside attacks and morale will stay high. You must know how to recruit group members who are aligned with the group purpose and you must handle spirits who are out of agreement with the group purpose.

Open communication within the group is essential for this to be accomplished. When you no longer listen to what your spirits have to say, this sets you up for disaster. When you ignore grumbling spirits and do not handle them, you are sabotaging your entire activity. When you fail to acknowledge the efforts of the spirits who are helping you, you are showing that you are out of communication with them and do not appreciate them.

This is where meditation and solo sessions come in. You should be doing both several times a day for maximum effectiveness and high morale. It is really easy to see when someone is shirking their duty as a spiritual leader of their personal group of spiritual teammates. Their morale will be low and they will be using effort to achieve their goals and will not be a positive force for the people and animals around them.

Your spiritual companions can be an incredible resource. Do not waste them!

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