Causing Desirable Effects At A Distance – Life Force Series 4

You have the capability to do this now and have probably done so many times in the past without thinking too much about it. Every time you write a letter or send an email or make a phone call to cheer someone up or reassure them of your support you increase the life force of the person you are reaching out to. They become more alive and their health improves by a discernible amount.

Long Distance Friendly Communication

Your life force increases when you do this and your health is positively affected also. Friendly and supportive communications benefit everyone involved in the communication. Those of you who can perceive spirits should realize that your spirit guides and other spiritual companions benefit from such a friendly exchange.

If, on the other hand, you send a communication that is dismissive, sarcastic, or hateful, you lessen the life force of the person receiving the message – and you lessen your own life force in doing this action! Your attention will remain stuck on the communication and on any responses and you will go down tone emotionally and will remain so until you get counseling.

So the best advice I can give you is to not send dismissive, sarcastic, or hateful messages, even as a response to someone else’s message to you. If you can send a positive and encouraging message in response to any message you receive, you will not suffer any permanent damage from the exchange.

If you are feeling down as a result of what you have done, or what the world is doing, try thinking of someone you could reassure or possibly cheer up. What could you say to them that might make their day? How about sharing a good feeling you had from something you had done with them? How about congratulating them for something they did in the past? Even sharing that you miss them may cheer them up if you make the message positive and not griefy.

I am sure you have friends and relatives you have not spoken to in years. If you look them up on the internet, and think of some good memory of them from the past and share it, you will brighten their day and yours also. You can keep it brief and cheerful and send good wishes even if it turns out that they are on their last legs and are not happy at all. If they reply and share all of their bad news, you can at least reassure them that you are thinking of them and hoping for the best.

If you communicate with distant friends and family in this manner, you will make others’ lives happier and will enrich your own. You will make others more alive through this activity and you will be more alive also. Try this for a few weeks and see if you feel happier and more in control of your life.

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