My Special Deal On Counseling Will Extend Through November

In the US we are entering dark days, and in Europe, they are approaching a winter without fuel, while Russia is convulsing in a self-made morass. The world may not be going to Hell in a handbasket, but the signs of looming hard times are hard to ignore.

Coming To Your City

I want to get Spiritual Rescue Technology to as many people as possible so I have created special packages for people who need help in these perilous times. I am still offering 3 sessions for the price of 2 and 6 sessions for the price of 4. I am very pleased with the number of clients who have taken advantage of these savings and we are seeing major changes taking place because of the higher number of sessions being done.

I would like to see all of you SRT users increasing your ability to hold your position in the face of adversity as there is plenty of that being brewed and likely to appear in the next month. When you know yourself and are in good communication with your spiritual companions, you can face almost anything with equanimity and come up with the optimum solution for every situation.

Unhandled spirits tend to get upset by sudden changes in political climates as these trigger ancient memories of civilizations ending in fire and ruins. If you have been reading the news of sudden increases in crime levels and inexplicable riots in places that were once bastions of peace and hospitality and feeling unsafe, you are not alone. There aren’t many places we can move to avoid the oncoming madness, but we can handle the demons that haunt us from the past and weaken our ability to deal with present-time threats.

There is still time to handle any issues that prevent you from operating at full capacity if you take advantage of my offer to provide counseling at a reduced rate as my part in the fight against the insanity that threatens to roll over us this year.

You will not regret making yourself better able to deal with what is coming.

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