I Am Extending My Special Counseling Deal

Our economic situation is getting worse, not better, so I am doing my part to prepare my clients to take advantage of any opportunities that may appear. My reason? Economic downturns always produce new opportunities for those who are in shape to take advantage of them. There will be new ways of doing business and opportunities for new technologies that don’t make sense in prosperous times. If you are frozen in fear because you are fixated on the loss of your old opportunities, you will not be able to take advantage of new opportunities that appear. If you are spiritually prepared, you will be able to take advantage of offers from organizations like HABO Village and others who help you find new opportunities.

SRT spiritual counseling can help you break out of any inability to deal with change. You will be able to stay calm and focused even if our traditional business practices are falling to pieces around you. If you wish to remain stress-free even if there are no lifeboats available in our rapidly changing world, you need to be able to crank up your abilities and take advantage of every change that offers a chance to provide others with products or services they need and want.

I am concentrating on preparing clients for change, not only with counseling but with tools and training so they can handle problems for themselves and even train others if they desire. For those who are willing to help themselves become more able, I am setting up a site where they can download free books and materials. I hope to have all of them available by Christmas.

For those of you who need assistance in handling your spirits and recruiting spirit guides, I am continuing my special deals of offering three sessions for the price of two, saving $100, and offering six sessions for the price of four, saving $200. I plan on continuing this offer through March 2023 unless the Internet shuts down, in which case I will come up with another deal for you.

To take advantage of my offer, send me an email at srtcounseling@gmail.com and I will send you an invoice which you can pay by credit or debit card, You do not have to be a member of PayPal to pay the invoice.

Merry Christmas!

David St Lawrence

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