Happy New Year

I want to make 2023 better for all of us!

With the help of my friends, I have been able to add more features to the already formidable capabilities of Spiritual Rescue Technology. At the same time, I have been working on ways to make what we do more understandable to new people.

Pegasus Rising

What we have done outside the perimeter of the so-called sciences and churches is to knit together all of the fragments of spirituality that science has been calling by different names. By simply observing spirits and communicating with them, we have undercut the ponderous legacy structures that have been erected to explain valences, stuttering, multiple personalities, demonic possession, insanity, psychotic breaks, Tourettes Syndrome, St Vitus dance disease, the contagion of aberration, accelerated aging, and a host of other carefully defined ailments.

If you know and understand Spiritual Rescue Technology, you not only can observe what is causing any of these ailments, you can handle most of them by yourself with what we call meditation followed by solo sessions. If you find that you have opened up something that is too much to handle, you can contact me or the growing number of people who can use SRT effectively on others.

If you know and use SRT, you will be able to take better care of your pets and other animals and help them recover when they are sick. You should also be able to make your plants and outside crops grow better.

While you are doing this, you will find your psychic abilities are increasing every week, especially if you follow my recommendations to do daily solo sessions.

Of course, to keep your gains you will need to avoid restimulative mainstream media with its constant attention on crimes of violence, victim behavior, child abuse, kidnappings, criminality, false reports, repeating fake news, and suppression of facts for political purposes.

If you study Spiritual Rescue Technology and use it, you will be almost invincible and will steadily increase your influence among others. If you use SRT to help others, your abilities will grow even faster.

I plan on putting all of my information online at no cost to those who will study it.
I also plan to put out two more books for those who wish to add to their libraries.

May you find ways to prosper and find happiness in 2023!

Happy New Year!

David St Lawrence

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