Walk-ins are spiritual beings that take over an unconscious body and animate it, allowing the body to continue functioning. They can enter a person’s body in several ways – in an operation when the spirit animating the body leaves due to fear or pain, after an accident where the shock is too much for the spirit to bear, or even when a person is close to death and their spirit is ready to pass on.
Walk-Ins Happen When You Least Expect
This is not necessarily an evil action; in fact, it is often done as a way of taking over the body and keeping it alive after the original spirit has left due to shock from physical trauma or overwhelming pain. The spiritual being who has taken over the body may not have the memories of the original owner and will spend some time trying to get information on his new name and all of the family details he should know so he can fit in without raising suspicion. Since the walk-in usually occurs after a major trauma, the new spirit can easily claim amnesia as the reason he cannot remember his name or other important details.
Generally, the signs that may indicate someone is a walk-in are often subtle and not always immediately noticeable. The walk-in may not even realize that he is new to the body and has shut off all memory of previous existence in his desire to fit into his new role. This is the same phenomenon that occurs when a spirit picks up a baby body when the spirit shuts down all past life memory in order to get a fresh start as a new individual. The walk-in is more concerned with fitting into his new role than revealing his presence and past history. Most of the walk-ins I have met had no idea of their former existence or of the fact that they were not the original owner of the body. Family members are usually more likely to notice the changed personality and behavior of the walk-in but rarely mention it because the walk-in usually tries to fit in as soon as possible. Kids, however, are more likely to mention that Uncle Fred doesn’t seem like the same person anymore while parents are trying to pretend everything is like it was before.
For example, a person who is a recent walk-in may suddenly display drastic changes in their taste in music or art, sudden shifts in their mannerisms, or a desire to engage in activities that they had never previously had an interest in before. They may also display sudden changes in their sense of self or identity; so that their families may feel there is something “off” about the way they interact with others and even about the way they think about themselves. In terms of behavior, someone who is a walk-in may suddenly display increased energy levels, less patience, an increased desire to travel and explore unfamiliar places, or an eagerness to learn about different cultures and customs.
I have met a few walk-ins during my counseling career and almost all of them did not realize they were walk-ins until I asked them specific questions related to an accident they had or a severe illness that caused them to be hospitalized. They would recognize that there had been a change in their relationship with their families after the incident which had caused them to be unconscious, but there was generally no idea that there had been a change in the spiritual management of the body.
I did not discover that I had been a walk-in myself until 30 years later when I was getting some spiritual counseling. Looking back, the only thing I remember was my father gently scolding me after I argued with my mother. He said, “You know, you never used to ask so many questions when she told you what to do!” Until I walked in, the previous owner, who is still with us, was an obedient little boy who always did what his mother asked. My arrival changed that forever.
Being a walk-in is probably more common than anyone suspects, because spirits doing a walk-in tend to bury that memory, just as spirits bury the memory of picking up a baby body and blanking out their past lives. The only difference between a walk-in and having a spirit take control of you and make you act in ways you did not expect is that the walk-in is permanent and losing control to a spiritual companion is usually a temporary activity. The reaction you get when you push a person’s emotional buttons is an example of a spirit taking control of a person and acting to defend itself.
As more and more people begin communicating with their spiritual companions in SRT solo sessions or counselor-aided sessions, we will learn more about the role that spirits play in our daily lives. We already know that stuttering, mental illness, injuries that don’t heal, and a host of other mysterious syndromes are caused by spirits so it is reasonable to expect that we will discover more and more answers to problems that have plagued mankind for centuries.
I have written a few books on this subject and they are available as free downloads at http://spiritual-rescue-technology-library.info/srt-books/