You Were A Spirit Long Before You Were Human

What many readers do not realize is that they are spiritual beings having a human experience and their existence did not start when they animated the body they are now wearing. That provincial view of life limits the information they can bring to bear on the problems of life and concerns about existence.

You did not start as a warm meat body a few years ago. Your personal history goes way back into times we cannot even consider with civilizations that make our modern civilization with all of its violence and degradation seem warm and cuddly by comparison. There was so much coercion in these ancient civilizations that most of the earth’s citizens operate in a mildly hypnotic state which they rarely get out of.

If you have run any past life incidents, you may have noticed that you and others seemed to have lost most of the power and vigor with which you attacked the challenges of life in the distant past. You will find that your attention and your life force are still tied up in these past incidents and this is the cause of your descent from your earlier state of godhood. You are not alone in your descent, others have descended further and faster because of the harm they did to others.

All of you have wasted precious life force fighting with other spirits and the proof of this is that your attention is still stuck on many past incidents which get triggered when you read science fiction or engage in destructive activities in the present day. Running out these charged incidents in past life auditing sessions helps restore your spiritual powers which is why Scientology auditing and similar activities help people become more able.

Scientology works as far as it goes but it is terribly incomplete. We who are running bodies are a tiny minority of the spirits resident on this planet alone and the billions of disembodied spirits accompanying us have incidents as painful and horrific as anything you can imagine and their painful experiences affect us when we do something that wakes that incident up for them. Spiritual Rescue Technology Sessions allow us to wake ourselves up and to wake up the spirits surrounding us so that we can all become more aware and work in harmony.

Caring communication with spirits is a simple exercise for anyone who has not been brainwashed to believe they are simply meat and are thinking with their brains. Brains are a switchboard for body control and have nothing to do with memory or thinking.

Read my books and download a free handbook about doing SRT Solo Sessions and talking to spirits and you can see for yourself that there is a whole new world to explore and millions of years of memories and adventures to assimilate. You may even decide not to reincarnate next time and spend some time as a roving spirit helping others instead. Some of us are planning to spend some time digging mankind out of the hole it has gotten into and this will require recovering abilities we have lost along the way. We now have the technology. We only need time to learn more about it and use it.

Free Handbook For SRT Solo Sessions:

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