The law of attraction is the universal principle that states like attracts like.

You can observe for yourself that positive thoughts bring positive results into a person’s life, while negative thoughts bring negative outcomes. In other words, a positive mindset will attract more success and happiness than a negative one. You can also observe that this applies to all areas of life if you take the time to observe.

Spiritual Rescue Technology provides you with the tools to understand how and why the law of attraction works. You get positive thoughts from happy spirits who are operating in present time. You can get negative thoughts from spirits who are stuck in incidents that have crushed their spirits and made them insane. If you are generating positive thoughts by doing something creative or being helpful to others, you will attract spirits who are willing to help you. If you are generating negative thoughts by holding a grudge or plotting revenge on someone who has wronged you, you will attract spirits who are still angry because they were betrayed or punished unfairly.

If you do not control your emotions, you will attract spirits who share the emotions you are demonstrating. These spirits act as a resonator for the emotions you are projecting and they provide positive feedback on whatever emotions and thoughts you are currently projecting. Let’s say you are feeling sorry for yourself for not getting recognized for your contributions to your employer.  If you keep this up, you will attract plenty of spirits who sympathize with you and you will continue to feel sorry for yourself.

If you allow yourself to be influenced by external events, your emotions will be amplified by the spirits you attract. If you decide that your personal survival will be enhanced by a positive attitude toward others and toward life in general, you can detect the appearance of a negative thought when it occurs, communicate with the spirit involved, and rescue it from the state it is in.

Spiritual Rescue Technology is simply a way of communicating to spirits in a caring way and rescuing them from any incident it is stuck in. SRT is also helpful for recruiting helpful spirits and getting them to assist you in your work and your life.

You are surrounded by spirits on this planet and you can use the law of attraction to make your life easier if you wish. If you stay focused on positive activities, you will attract spirits who want to participate in these activities. These spirits will constantly feed you inspirational ideas and you will find yourself creating effortlessly year after year. If your attention keeps going to negative opinions and ideas, you will find yourself getting meaner and more unhappy without end. Do not let your feelings turn to the dark side. That is a sure way to become ill because you will attract beings who enjoy revenge and misery.

There is an unending supply of spirits who can affect you. Please work on attracting the ones who admire you and want to help you.

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