What Do You Do When You Are Confronted With Really Rowdy Spirits?

This happens more often than you may realize and beginning SRT counselors can take a loss when they find that they have encountered spirits who do not want to be saved. There are many spirits who have been punished to the point where they do not consider themselves deserving of help and resent any attempt to communicate with them.

Their attention is focused on destruction and revenge to the point where that focus is their sole reason for existence. They are still trapped in an ancient incident that has left them in a state where cogent thought is no longer possible. If you encounter a single spirit locked in that unfortunate state, you can sometimes raise their awareness to the point where they can separate themselves from the trap they are in.

When you encounter a large cluster of these spirits, you can spend hours trying to communicate with them and make no impression on them because they are reinforcing their rage in a mutual frenzy of out-of-control emotion and inarticulate sounds.

When modern science discovered an extreme version of this situation, it created the name Tourette syndrome to describe a condition that causes involuntary sounds and movements called tics. The treatments recommended include anti-psychotics and behavioral therapy but there is evidence that Tourette syndrome can’t be cured by medical means.

In my 14 years of SRT counseling, I have encountered a number of spirits who resisted any efforts to help them in the usual way. They were so stuck in an ancient incident that their emotions were frozen in some variation of rage, or even shame, blame, and regret. The only way we were able to obtain relief for the client was to work with the spiritual group at the emotional tone level they were stuck in and get them to find a group that was operating at the same tone level and join up with them. Several times I have contacted spirits behaving as raging mercenaries and got them to locate modern-day mercenary groups that could use their support. They just had to reach out and look for emotions similar to their own and join up with that group for mutual support.

When they departed, the clients exhibited relief and began to be able to handle the other spirits who accompanied them through life. Deporting troubled spirits is not my preferred way of handling them but in terms of using our resources wisely, it allowed us to help those who wanted help and gave our troubled clients breathing room to work with the spirits who wanted help.

It takes a lot of energy to help spirits who actually want help because there is so much trapped charge in the incidents that stopped them from animating bodies and having personalities. Attempting to raise the consciousness of beings who have nothing to live for and wish to remain victims, is beyond our current understanding of spirits and their motivations. We are engaged in a struggle to raise the general consciousness of spirits and their roles with respect to animating bodies and changing conditions in life.

We need to pick our battles carefully and use our resources to salvage as many spirits and human lives as possible. We win whenever we work with people who want spiritual help and with spirits who are willing to be helped.

If this makes sense to you, you can find my Spiritual Rescue Technology books on Amazon.com. If you are not in a position to buy online, you can use this link to download PDF copies of all of my books: https://tinyurl.com/2uw646kh

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