Ever Wonder Why Some People Seem To Attract Degraded Spirits?

The Law of Attraction explains that positive or negative thoughts bring positive or negative experiences into a person’s life. Spiritual Rescue Technology provides the reasons why this occurs. We are all spirits and when we focus on positive things we attract spirits who are attracted to positive outcomes. When we are focused on doom and destruction we attract spirits who are stuck in these lower states because of their past experiences. If our intentions are creative and positive, we attract spirits who want to participate in these activities and we need to watch for the intrusion of negative intentions and make them become positive or make them leave.

What does your “spiritual headspace” look like? Are you focused on getting things done and making the world a better place or are you stressed out and unable to cope with life?

Our planet is covered with spirits good, bad, and indifferent. We will attract those spirits who are sharing the same thoughts that we are putting out. If you look at the environments in the pair of images above, which environment projects a calm and happy feeling? Which environment seems to indicate that there is no hope available?

When people meet you how do you make them feel? Are you an inspiration for them or do you bring them down to your sorry state of mind?

If you want a happier life, you need to set a good example of your own and persist in keeping things on an upward trend. Do not let negative thoughts linger for any reason at all. If you feel down, locate what has happened and if it comes from your actions, take remedial action immediately. If your lowered mood is coming from spirits caught up in a bad memory, communicate with them and rescue them from the incident that has trapped them. There is always a reason when things have gone wrong and when you locate it and spot the confusion that precipitated the disaster, you are well on your way to resolving the problem forever.

We need to pick our battles carefully and use our resources to salvage as many spirits and human lives as possible. We win whenever we work with people who want spiritual help and with spirits who are willing to be helped. We need to continually set a good example and keep a positive attitude.

If this makes sense to you, you can find my Spiritual Rescue Technology books on Amazon.com. If you are not in a position to buy online, you can use this link to download PDF copies of all of my books:https://tinyurl.com/2uw646kh

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