According to the original Latin definition, the persona is originally referred to as a theatrical mask. According to psychology, the persona is the mask or appearance one presents to the world. People have multiple personas that they use in various situations, including work, being with friends, at home, etc. When these personas are under our control, life can be satisfying. When these personas appear and operate against our wishes, life can become embarrassing and even painful.

In our Spiritual Rescue Technology research, we discover that personas are merely a term describing a relationship with spirits. We are accompanied by spirits and they can play roles appropriate to our many different situations in life. Many of our personas are under our control, but some are triggered by external events and perform actions that make us cringe afterward.
These personas, or added personalities to be more precise, are generated by spirits who have attached themselves to us at some point in our lives. Many of these personas are essential for our success in some areas of life. Other personas make us annoying to others or even unsuccessful in relationships with others. The persona that makes us successful as a corporate employee can also make us an unwelcome husband or a failure as a parent. The persona which made us a hero with high school cheerleaders does not help when we are struggling in a work environment.
Success in life requires mastery of several personas, each matched to the needs of a particular environment. As your environment changes, you need to adopt other personas to match the requirements of the new environment. Time and experience seem to bring about the desired change in some cases, but as many of you know the transition to a new persona can be difficult and even painful.
Spiritual Rescue Technology has the tools to help you work with spirits and find the ones you need for successful activity in any field. It also provides the tools to handle and remove spirits acting in opposition to your goals. We will be discussing these tools and drilling their use in this Sunday’s workshop at 12 noon Eastern time. Stay tuned for more information on this workshop and managing your personas.