You are an immortal being playing at being human. The rules of being human vary as your body ages and the personalities you use to deal with the issues and opportunities of life change to match the agreements and rules appropriate for each stage of your human development.
You are not constrained to follow the rules appropriate for your body’s age, but too much of a variation will call attention to the fact that you are different, and in many societies, being different is threatening to other members of that society. As an immortal being, you have memories of many lifetimes to draw upon, and some of you choose to recall creative talents that won you fame and fortune in earlier lifetimes. If you choose the right memories, you get recognized as a prodigy, but you forego the anonymity of a life as an ordinary person and you lose the camaraderie of those who have suppressed their past life memories and are playing the game as if it is the first time again.
The suppression of past life memories may sound counter-productive, but it gives you a partial reset of harmful memories that can stick your attention and prevent you from properly playing the game of human being in your new life. If your memories stayed crystal clear, you would remember every failure and every punishment you ever experienced over millions of years, and your ability to play the game as a “normal” human being would be compromised.
The game of life as a human, as it is presently played by most people, starts you with no memories of earlier existences, and you accumulate knowledge through direct experience with those you have selected as parents and others in their tribe. This means that you are starting over with the majority of other humans you are exposed to. You will encounter painful and humiliating experiences as you attempt to learn the rules of your new family and their associates. Occasionally your new experiences will trigger earlier experiences from your many past lives and you will suffer feelings and physical conditions that others will not understand.
As a human, you get to play a multiplicity of roles and you need the appropriate mask or persona to play each role successfully. Just to give you an idea, here are just a few of the roles you get to play as a human: infant, child, student, teenager, orphan, delinquent, part-time employee, military recruit, full-time employee, supervisor, manager, corporate executive, retired person, and invalid.
Changing from one personality to the next can be difficult, but if you stay aware of your current responsibilities and make sure you are acting in an appropriate role for that responsibility, you can make the transition from one role to the next with a minimum of counter-intention from others. If you are able to envision your current role as just one step of many, you will be able to deal with your future roles as they occur. Knowingly assuming a role in life with a personality appropriate for that role keeps you in control of your life rather than being the effect of it. There are enjoyable aspects of almost every stage in life if you are using the right persona to deal with it.

If things are not going well for you at this time, what persona would be successful? Answering that question will change your life for the better.