Category Archives: Spiritual Technology at Work

Kinder Ways To Get A Spirit To Recognize Their Responsibility For Their Present Condition

Any being who can recognize what they have done to create the mess they are in can change that mess into an opportunity for success. Beings, in or out of bodies, who cannot recognize the mistake they made, are stuck … Continue reading

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Recent Wins Using Spiritual Rescue Technology

I have experienced gains in my spiritual abilities because I use SRT in my daily life and while doing spiritual counseling, but I am completely blown away when my clients demonstrate abilities I have not yet attained! One of my … Continue reading

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Some Simpler Definitions For Spiritual Rescue Technology

I have been defining SRT as a collection of observations of the spiritual universe, but events of the past few days have opened my eyes to the existence of simpler definitions that could be understood by people whose awareness is … Continue reading

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SRT Workshop Tomorrow – Sunday 6-23-24

We are going to show you how to use teamwork to handle body problems that can’t be handled otherwise. I consider myself to be quite effective in using SRT to handle my body problems, but I have had a spiritual … Continue reading

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