When you cause effects others cannot experience easily, your intentions do not matter. Trying to be right when others can’t follow your logic, only creates counter-intention to you and everything you represent. Watching Donald Trump speak during tonight’s debate, I could easily see why many people are upset with him. He was exceeding their reality almost every time he opened his mouth and the tension in his voice showed that he realized he was losing his audience.

It felt like a replay of an ancient event where a Roman audience was cheering for the lions instead of the Christians and other victims the lions were attacking. I think it was a mistake for Trump to do a live debate where the playing ground and the moderation were controlled by groups hostile to his ideas. If Trump and his people had limited their output to a safe channel where followers and interested parties could assess his ideas on their merits, the messages would have come across stronger and would have been spread by others who were in favor of what he was proposing. Watching Trump breaking Rule #1 was disappointing.

Rule #1 is:  Cause only those effects that others can experience easily.

If everything you say causes your listeners to go ballistic, you are speaking to the wrong audience. It does not matter what your message is, your audience cannot easily experience what you have to say. You need to find a safe place to speak from and that means an audience that can understand and accept what you have to share with them. It has been said that truth is in the eye of the beholder and that seems to translate to “What is true for you is what you have observed for yourself.” If a person has been conditioned to accept something as fact, they will not easily accept anything that challenges that fact.

Anyone who is espousing new ideas will eventually encounter people who have adopted different ideas. If the person espousing the new ideas does not evaluate the reception of new ideas before launching into a full-blown presentation of the ideas, the inevitable result will be counter-intention.

This is why you look for a safe point from which to speak up and launch your new ideas. The safe point can be a location, a communication channel, a news medium, or a friendly group to talk to. If this person speaks to a friendly group, he will get useful feedback and support which will enable him to spread his message further. Delivering a message to a hostile group is a waste of time and effort. It will only enable those who do not want to hear the message to find ways to oppose its dissemination.

Speak to groups who want to hear your message. Broadcasting your message to groups who do not agree in any way will cause them to oppose and silence your message.

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In developing Spiritual Rescue Technology, I skipped a gradient in my explanation of our relationship to the universe of spiritual beings. For the past 14 years, I have been blithely explaining about spirits and their existence on this planet to individuals who have never learned the basic steps required to recover their spiritual heritage. I have been trying to bring you to spiritual awareness and have been missing a vital step in the recovery process. I have not been coaching you to reach and withdraw until very recently.

You are all spirits and yet many of you are unable to perceive spirits or even get enough evidence to believe in spiritual beings including the fact you are spirits yourselves. I have been trying to take you from a state of unaware meat body person to a spirit who can perceive other spirits at will. A small fraction of you already have the ability to reach out with your attention and observe non-physical universe phenomena while the rest of you cannot reach and withdraw your attention under your own control. You respond to attempts to attract your attention, but the attraction and withdrawal are not under your control.

What this means is that you have been missing gains from your SRT processing and I am willing to give you a free session to show you the gains you can still achieve with a little coaching.

I failed to realize that coaching reaching and withdrawing was a vital action because my 20 years in Scientology exposed me to their version of this exercise enough that I was able to perceive spirits without an e-meter. Scientology did not approve of this ability so I never developed it to the necessary extent until I was developing Spiritual Rescue Technology. In my SRT practice, there were enough other ex-Scientologists who could perceive spirits that I did not recognize the rarity of this ability in the greater population. I could coach most of my clients to communicate with spirits and together we produced highly satisfactory results for the most part.

With the help of a few skilled clients, I have discovered the vital importance of coaching ALL clients in reaching and withdrawing because, one for one, my most skilled and experienced clients are experiencing huge new gains in spiritual awareness when I coach them in reaching and withdrawing spiritually from areas they could not handle before. These areas were so buried in counterintentions, that they were not even visible to the client before.

This skipped gradient is so prevalent that one of my most spiritually powerful clients received a reach and withdraw coaching session today and discovered serious body conditions he could never see or handle before. What was most surprising was that he handled these serious body conditions by simply reaching and withdrawing his attention from the troubled areas.

The bottom line is that simple coaching in reaching and withdrawing spiritually increases your spiritual awareness so much that you will experience gains you were missing before.

I am offering all of my present and former clients a free reach and withdraw coaching session so you can see what you have been missing previously. Send me an email at srtcounseling@gmail.com

You should also join me this Sunday, 9-15-24, for more information about Reaching and Withdrawing and what it will do for your spiritual awareness. Use this link to join our SRT Workshop on Zoom:  https://zoom.us/j/4710611444 The workshop is free and it starts at 12 noon Eastern time.

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Reaching and Withdrawing Revisited

Some of you may wonder how you can instantly tell if you are reaching or withdrawing. The answer is far simpler than you might imagine. If you are happy and eager to proceed, you are reaching. If you are unhappy, bored, discontented, fearful, terrified, or numb, you are withdrawing.

When you are reaching you are in present time and are experiencing life as it happens and eager for more. When you are withdrawing your attention is being forced toward past events and you are not happy at all with what is happening right now.

Are you happy? You are reaching.

Are you not happy? You are withdrawing.

If you are happy, you are reaching and should continue what you are doing, remembering to cause effects that others can experience easily.

If you are withdrawing, you merely need to find something or someone you want to reach for and do that while remembering to cause effects that others can experience easily. You are not doing anything wrong, you just need to find a better game to play or better people to play with.

Are you bored and unhappy at work? Are you unhappy with your present relationships? Are you unhappy with your present life? Are you willing to do what it will take to make others happy with you? If not, you probably need another game to play.

When you finally figure out how to provide others with a service or product they want, they will reward you with admiration and plenty of acknowledgment. As you expand your offerings, you will need to monitor how others are experiencing what you are providing. If your environment changes, it may cause a change in demand for your services or products. You will continue to succeed only as long as you can continue to provide experiences that others can experience easily.

If the demand for your services and products ceases, you need to withdraw and find other marketplaces where that demand continues, or start producing products and services that encourage you to reach out for new customers in your current environment. You can start by finding out what people want that you are willing to produce. That will start a new cycle of exchange in abundance which will continue until you are producing effects that others cannot experience easily.

At this point, you should reach for another opportunity and begin the cycle of exchange in abundance again.

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Are There People Who Are Unhappy With You?

You have probably created effects that they could not experience easily. It can be disheartening when you are doing your best to help people and they attack you viciously and even slander you. The reason for their upset is quite simple, You have broken Rule #1.

Rule #1: Cause only those effects that others can experience easily.

Otherwise, this is what will happen. You spend your life trying to help people and you end up feeling miserable and you lessen your ability to reach out and create new effects.

Charles Leffler and I spent some time Sunday examining the ins and outs of helping people and what it does to your ability to create. Your intentions may be admirable, but if you break Rule #1, you will fall on your sword and your name will become a curse word.

All creation is a reach and if you create effects that others cannot experience easily, you will generate so much counter-intention that you will discontinue reaching. If you care to look at every area of life where you retreated in defeat, you will see that you created effects that others could not experience easily. Those of you who are able to see your distant past will note that you were once able to do many things you cannot do now.

I have spent many years helping others become creative and have found time after time that our ability to create has diminished over many lifetimes and the invariable reason was that Rule #1 was broken, over and over again. If we are to truly recover our original power and creativity, we must learn to reach in a caring way and not break Rule #1. We also need to learn how to reach at the right speed, with the right intention, the right timing, and the right rhythm.

With the use of Spiritual Rescue Technology, we have been able to make progress in the area of rehabilitating our spiritual powers. At the same time, we have encountered situations where anything we care to create causes effects that others can’t experience easily. The answer to that is to change our environment and to choose other partners who can experience what we desire to create. If you are trying to create a better world in a criminal environment, you need to find a better neighborhood to operate in.

When you reach and withdraw in a caring way, you can predict the response you will get from your audience. If the audience does not respond positively to what you are saying and doing, you need to find a better audience. If you take the time to find out what people need and want before offering your solutions, you will be more likely to find an appreciative audience for what you are proposing to do.

When your solutions match the needs of the audience you address, you are likely to experience a successful exchange of goods and services. It all starts with reaching in a caring way.

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