Are You Willing To Question Some Well-established Beliefs?

There are things you have been taught or figured out that seem to have worked so far. Are you willing to look at new information that may contradict what you have been trusting and holding on to for this lifetime? If so, you do NOT want to read further in this article nor do you want to read about Spiritual Rescue Technology, also known as SRT.

It’s entirely OK if you wish to stick with what works for you, but if you are not happy with your life so far, you may wish to read further. What you have been taught may not be the whole truth about life and your existence.

You may have been taught that you are a human being with one life to live and when that is over, you will go elsewhere based on how you behaved this lifetime. That is the life shown in the left-hand portion of the landscape.

If you have been more imaginative than usual, you may have envisioned a life more magical, something like the right-hand portion of the landscape. Well, if you are willing to observe what is happening in the spiritual realm, you will find a reality that exceeds anything you have ever experienced.

The truth of the matter is that everything you have ever experienced has been created by intention and the only source of intention is spirits. You are an immortal spiritual being playing at being human and you are surrounded by trillions of other spirits who are playing other games with and without bodies.

With the help of a few dedicated friends, I have documented some of the spiritual games that have been played and which are still being played and that documentation is called Spiritual Rescue Technology.

Every living thing is animated by spirits and that includes the cells in your body, so you should envision yourself as being in charge of an extremely complex living machine populated by all sorts of spiritual beings. Your pets are animated by spirits and the plants in your house and yard are animated by spirits. If you take the time to learn Spiritual Rescue Technology, you will be able to communicate with the spirits populating this planet and elsewhere.

There are more spirits without bodies than those occupying and animating bodies. Since spirits are immortal, they represent an amazing source of knowledge in every possible field imaginable. Every conversation with a spirit reveals new knowledge to the SRT user and provides information going back to civilizations from other galaxies.

If you are doing anything creative this lifetime, you will have been receiving ideas and suggestions from spirits who are dedicated to helping you. If you study Spiritual Rescue Technology, you will learn how to attract helpful spirits and how to free yourself from troubled and unhelpful spirits. If you are a functioning human being, you have already attracted spirits through the Law of Attraction. If you are a happy, productive person, you will attract helpful, creative spiritual beings. If you are a miserable wretch seeking revenge on the world, you have attracted beings of a similar nature.

Learning and Using Spiritual Rescue Technology will put you in communication with the spirits in your vicinity and elsewhere in the world. You will be able to rescue them from the traps they are stuck in and learn from them if they decide to help you. You will have access to more information about the real history of the universe than any scholar who ever existed. If you are wise and share your knowledge with others who are willing to look at new ideas, you will prosper and gain friends. If you insist on showing your knowledge to those who are happy with their current beliefs, you will create enemies and your life will be short and painful.

Spiritual knowledge is there to be taken and used, but treat it like magic, to be shared only with others who are willing to use it. If you would like to read some books on the subject you can download free copies from this link:

If you want to learn how to communicate with your spiritual companions, send me an email at srtcounseling@gmail and we can set up a free introductory session.

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