The UPS Man Cometh…

FinallyIt was an exciting day yesterday. I arrived home to find the first of many boxes of books from Publishers Graphics waiting for me. They contained shrink-wrapped copies of Danger Quicksand – Have A Nice Day. I piled a few on my desk to show you what they look like in bulk. (Click image to enlarge.)

The coffee cups are going to those of you who ordered multiple copies of the book. They look great. I will continue that premium offer if your interest continues.

I am going to be very busy today packing and shipping books and mugs. Thanks to all who have helped by hosting ads, mentioning my book on your blogs or by ordering books. Your books will be going out today.

Update: I have already taken a bin full of books to the post office and they are on their way to those of you who pre-ordered them. I am now working on sending out books to all who provided quotations for the book or helped in some other way.

UPDATE: The UPS man came again. This time with a truckload full of boxes. All mine…!!
I now have two heavy duty carts full of books…please buy some. 🙂

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