Learning The Underlying Cause For Inexplicable Actions – Part One

There are many mysteries in life that leave us bewildered and even angry because life seems to be so unfair.

The people we care for who treat us badly and then leave us are just one of the mysteries that cause us emotional pain.

People who are cruel to others and to animals are a puzzle that no one seems to be able to explain or to fix anyway.

The effortless popularity of some individuals can be observed, but rarely can be explained. Similarly, the pitiful insecurity and social awkwardness of others can be observed, but rarely remedied.

The actions are always visible, but the conventional wisdom of counselors, life coaches, and family members does not seem to have reliable answers for much of the out-of-character behavior that is observed. Like cures for the common cold, there are many answers but few that produce behavioral change.

I recently had the opportunity to read an excellent handbook for improving anyone’s life and the advice is very reasonable, based on observable phenomena. Almost all of what I read was very logical and follows long standing rules for achieving success, prosperity, and happiness.

What was lacking was an understanding of what actually drives behavior for most people, and that influence comes from the spirits who surround us at all times.

When a person does not know the root cause for almost all behavior, that person, no matter how expert, can only go by what they can perceive. The person who can perceive spiritual behavior and spiritual communication sees all sorts of transactions and influences that are driving the behavior that is being displayed.

In short, the non-spiritual person can only see what is visible to the naked eye. Daddy is angry at his daughter kissing her boyfriend, so they must be made to stop that behavior.

Only when you can interview the daughter’s spiritual companions and the Daddy’s spirits will you discover that Daddy has some spirits that are hot for his daughter and the boyfriend is an old rival for her affection from many lifetimes ago. Daddy, who is an ethical father, has been resisting the urges he feels for his daughter but when his spiritual companions see daughter enjoying herself with someone else, they go into wild jealousy mode and he thinks the feelings are his.

If he gets some spiritual counseling and finds out where the urges are coming from, that validates his desire to resist the urges and at the same time relieves him of that desire when the helpful spirits are handled and sent to Venice Beach for rest and recreation.

Spiritual perception is like X-ray vision. You see what is hidden from the physical universe. The more you practice using it, the better your understanding of life becomes.

In Part Two, we will examine some other spiritual factors that influence our lives.

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