Category Archives: Spiritual Healing

Making Sense Of Your Dreams

Science has been fascinated by dreams for many years and is still doing research to this very day. Dreams are thoughts and science has spent a lot of time trying to locate the parts of the brain where dreams originate. … Continue reading

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Are You Ready To Create More Miracles?

If you have had the urge to heal others with a thought or to communicate with others who are far away using your willpower alone, you may be ready to join us this Sunday for our online Spiritual Rescue Technology … Continue reading

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Latest Update On SRT Healing Sessions

I apologize for not posting articles for the past few days. I have been delivering back-to-back SRT healing sessions on chronic conditions and can confirm for you that any injury or illness that is not progressing normally is being held … Continue reading

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Thinking Of A Career In Spiritual Counseling?

There are many things you can do that are absolute miracles, but the things you can do which will keep you busy and build a good reputation are the actions of remotely healing people’s bodies with simple conversations. We are … Continue reading

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