Webinar 8-25-19 Using SRT to Achieve Selective Behavioral Changes

Spiritual Rescue Technology can change a person’s behavior by freeing one or more of his spiritual companions from obsessive or compulsive behavior.

Compulsive behaviors are reactions to thoughts or events that a person is unable to stop or control. Obsessive thinking is an inability to gain control over recurrent, distressing thoughts and images.

We are all surrounded by beings who have been overwhelmed by life to the extent that they no longer choose to have bodies of their own. Instead, they choose to accompany us through our lives either as passive spectators or as active advisors. In either capacity, they tend to influence our behavior in greater or lesser degree.

How can you determine whether your behavior is being controlled by another being? Try changing the behavior in a significant way and see what happens. If you are controlling the behavior, an objective assessment of the behavior and its contribution to your survival will enable you to change the behavior to increase your survival potential.

If you struggle to change your behavior and are not able to do that, the behavior is being controlled by a spirit other than yourself. If you can stop some pleasurable behavior like smoking tobacco or marijuana, drinking alcoholic beverages, or taking recreational drugs, your behavior is under your control. If you cannot stop a particular behavior at will, you are being controlled by spirits.

I have found that one can achieve behavioral changes through spiritual counseling delivered by others and through Solo Spiritual Counseling sessions as well. For the sake of this webinar, I would like to discuss the steps we can use to change behavior in solo sessions.

Step 1. Identify the behavior you wish to change. This can be far more difficult than you might expect.

Step 2. Identify the source of the behavior. This can be very difficult.

Step 3. Locate the source of the behavior. This will bring a little relief as the location is spotted. In some cases, the source of the behavior will vanish on being spotted and your desire to continue the behavior vanishes. Do not overrun the process of this occurs. Note down any realizations when this occurs and end off the solo session.

Step 4. Choose an activity that was not possible before changing the behavior and do it until you feel confident that your behavior is permanently changed.

Step 5. If the urge to repeat the behavior returns, repeat Steps 1-4 until you are certain that you have changed the behavior.

Step 6. Share your successful actions with others in the SRT group.

We will be discussing this process in the webinar on Sunday 8-25-19.

Join me on Zoom at 12 noon Sunday 8-25-19 using this link: https://zoom.us/j/4710611444

There is a $10 donation for the webinar, and if you have not already paid, please use this link: paypal.me/DavidStLawrence/10

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