Life Force is the energy produced by spirits and animates all living things. Life force is known by more than 66 names: Qi, Chi, Prana, etc., but all names mean the energy that animates all living things.

Life force can be felt and observed. Every part of a living body emanates life force. When a body is damaged or dying, the life force is lessened or absent.

All living things emanate life force in proportion to their spiritual health. As living organisms dwindle from joyous exultation down to apathy and non-existence, they emanate less and less life force.

Every cell of the body is a living thing and the state of the cell can be determined by the life force that is animating it. There are as many different ways to encourage the production of life force as there are ways to encourage spiritual welfare. Conversely, emotional attacks on the life force animating the body will damage the health of the body.

Expressions of love and tenderness convey a spiritual warmth that can practically reanimate a sick or damaged body.

Hate flows directed at a body or body part will actually cause damage over time. This can be observed with plants or animals as well. The intention to harm can be as damaging as physical harm.

I am sure you have seen people who can make plants flourish merely by directing love at the plant every day. Well, I have witnessed the opposite effect. I saw a teen-aged girl cause a large plant to wither and almost die by the hate flows she was directing at the plant. When I spotted what she was doing and made her stop, the plant recovered. (She had no idea that she was capable of such psychic power.)

If you want to have a healthy body, do your best to admire it and handle any source of emotional upset you detect. You can actually talk to parts of your body and if you find some part that is disturbed, you can help it and restore health to that part of the body if the damage is not too great.

There are a great number of people who are natural healers and they do this by perceiving disturbances in the person’s life force and flow healing energy to the injured or diseased body parts.

Once you start noticing life force and other energies, you will find that you can see disturbances in a person’s life force and with a little practice, you will find you can help the person recover, if they are willing to let you help them.

Do not attempt to heal someone if they do not want spiritual healing, as they will block your efforts and can even cause themselves to get sicker to prove you wrong.

Do not feel you have to limit your healing efforts to talking to the body parts involved. There are many ways to comfort ailing bodies: smudging with burning herbs, healing music, singing healing melodies, healing massage, laying on of hands and warm stones.

Once you gain the ability to see the fluctuations in a person’s life force, you will know what increases life force and what does not. In some cases, medical care and drugs will help, but you will be able to monitor what is going on by observing what the person’s life force is doing.

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