I am repeating this early post with a new illustration because it is so important for you to understand and use.
Events happen because someone intends for them to happen. An intention is a spiritual universe phenomenon that cannot be measured by science as it falls beyond the five human senses.
Every living being is capable of intention. When intentions are aligned, you get action. When intentions counter other intentions, you get conflict and a diminishing of the life force of living beings. Actions are blocked or delayed.
Living beings seem to be able to detect intention on the part of other living beings, whether these intentions are expressed visibly in the physical universe or not.
If you take a group of human beings and attempt to motivate them to perform some task, their performance will be determined by the amount of harmony in their intentions. If part of the group has intentions that oppose the intentions of the rest of the group, the result of the group’s activity will be reduced by that amount.
It is not always easy to communicate the goals and purposes of a group within the group and this lack of communication will almost guarantee that there will be a misalignment of the intentions within the group. This misalignment occurs in groups of all sizes, from nations down to the individual with conflicting goals that he has not sorted out yet.
The existence of counter-intentions within groups and within the individual is well-documented, but the handlings for these counter-intentions are not as well understood. Basically, the counter-intentions need to be identified, and the reasons for their existence examined until a resolution can be achieved.
So, how does this discussion of intention and counter-intention relate to forecasting the future? Events happen because there is an intention for the event to happen. When a group of individuals intends something to happen and it doesn’t, there is a good reason why it did not happen. Some other individuals intended that there would be a different result. There may have been no outward sign of opposition, but there was a counter-intention that blocked the earlier intention.
Intentions do affect the physical universe, even those intentions that are not spoken aloud. Trying to create something positive in the presence of negative intentions will usually result in failure or unnecessary delays. The opposition can be passive or even extend to sabotage.
The necessity for alignment of intentions means that opposition needs to be fully handled before beginning work on any project. The requirements are the same, whether the project is an additional deck for the back of the house or an ambitious space program. There has to be a clear intention on the part of all concerned for the project to succeed and on how it will be done.
Sometimes the team running the project is in full agreement, but they have not secured agreement from the people who will be affected by the project. Cross country pipelines are an example of this type of incomplete planning, and the projects are delayed for years and occasionally shut down.
Some products are developed by a hard-working team that takes a bright idea and, working in total harmony, creates a product that meets cost goals and can be efficiently manufactured. If that project team has not surveyed potential customers and market conditions, they may have a beautiful product they cannot sell. The Edsel automobile made by the Ford Motor Company is an example of this.
How does this information help us for projects and activities at the personal or family level? In each of the failed programs and projects mentioned above, there was counter-intention that surfaced early in the program and was brushed aside as being of no importance. The objections raised were judged to be of no significance.
Let’s take this problem and turn it inside out. What if we carefully documented and analyzed every opposition to our plans and worked out a solution BEFORE starting the detailed planning process?
Let us say we want to put in a highway or rapid transit line between two cities, We might want to gather all of the data that will justify the construction first, but we should handle all of the objections to building this highway before investing effort in the detailed design. Furthermore, we should be aware of any new objections to the construction of the project and handle the objections as they arise.
Let’s apply this principle to a much smaller problem, like starting your own business. Obviously, writing a business plan and getting it reviewed is a good step, but getting consensus from all of the people who will be working with you or affected by this business is necessary too. If you work out the problems of financing and location and what you will be selling with the people you will be working with and even those who will be your customers, you will be much more likely to be successful. Companies are not started in a vacuum. Someone has spotted a need and figured out how to satisfy that need in a way that will make money. Getting others to participate in this game removes much of the counter-intention and makes it more likely that the new business will succeed.
To boil this down to the essential ingredients for success, the intentions of all concerned with the final result will determine what happens. If everyone concerned is intending the same thing, that is what will happen.
In a complex situation with many people involved, any counter-intention can have disastrous results. Inattention, carelessness, and lack of understanding can result in a disaster even though many people worked very hard to achieve a result.
On projects of a personal nature, pay close attention to any lack of cooperation or enthusiasm, and handle them immediately if you wish to achieve your goals. This applies to your personal feelings as well as the feelings of others. All intentions need to be aligned if you are to achieve the future you envision.