Do You Know What Is Holding You Down?

There is a wonderful satire about Lemuel Gulliver and his travels written by Jonathan Swift that might shift your viewpoints on our human condition. This image from that story illustrates the state of a highly trained professional captured and tied down by a motley crew of little people. There is probably not one person in the modern world who has not felt himself or herself to be similarly constrained by the little people, or Lilliputians, in their organization or their families.

In corporations, these modern-day Lilliputians are found in HR and ensure compliance with established corporate practices and procedures regardless of how arbitrary they are. In many schools now, the primary purpose is indoctrination in acceptable behavior rather than open-ended education. Most families spend their time controlling children’s behavior rather than teaching them to fly.

As a result, by the time we are free to venture out into the world and pursue our goals, we have learned to behave ourselves and not become the target of ridicule or scorn. We are urged to get a proper job in an established company and to put in our time until it’s time to retire. Only a few are brave enough to break out of the mold and skip the university for an opportunity of a lifetime creating an organization or a campaign to change the course of history.

From earliest childhood, we are led, step by step, into accepting rules of behavior that will mold us into model citizens and productive members of society. There is a benefit to being part of an organization that contributes positively to society. Those of us who have been Boy Scouts and served in the military know that belonging to an organized group develops skills and leadership that will give us confidence in managing life.

To achieve your full potential, you must be able to cast off the agreements you made when it is time to start your own thing. When you are no longer a child, a Boy Scout, a University student, or a soldier, you need to be able to assess situations and take steps that are appropriate for the challenges you now face. If you cannot think for yourself and act appropriately, you will be as constrained as Gulliver was and will stumble through life under the control of others.

If you have read about Spiritual Rescue Technology, you may also understand that your spirit guides and other spiritual associates can exert the same kind of influence on you as your teachers, parents, and HR people. While you have been indoctrinated at home, in school, and at work, your spiritual companions have been getting the same treatment and are usually in agreement with the restrictions that society has been trying to place on you since birth.

What this means is that some of the barriers to your success come from your spiritual companions in addition to your experiences with parents, teachers, and HR people. Your past life failures will also contribute to your inability to launch your new career but you will find that meditation and Solo processing with SRT procedures will allow you to recognize the sources of your barriers and resolve them, no matter where they originate.

If you can learn to stay in present time and deal with the issues that exist now, you will find you can work your way through almost any problem. Handling past agreements with Spiritual Rescue Technology processing will free your attention and allow you to exercise your full potential.

Don’t let your past indoctrination hold you down. You are a lot more capable than you believe.

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