Work With Spirits To Increase Your Abilities And Power – Part Three

If you put your mind to attracting helpful spirits, you can gain abilities faster than any other way you can imagine. There are thousands of talented and capable disembodied spirits who could help you if you were to reach out to them.

As an average Earth person, you already have dozens of spirits accompanying you through life and you did nothing to attract them except be interesting to them for some reason. You were making your way through life and they decided to tag along with you. Since you did not do this consciously, not all of these spirits are helpful. In fact, many of them are just a burden to you and a distraction. You are in the same position as this bus driver, you have more passengers than you are prepared to deal with.

So, how do you get from ferrying around a miscellaneous collection of broken-down spirits to working with a powerful team of highly motivated helpers who assist you in every way possible? There are a number of steps involved and you can do many of them yourself using the materials I have written.

Your first step is to perceive the spirits who are accompanying you through life and your second step is to learn how to communicate with them in a caring way. The easiest way to accomplish these two steps is to read my book Talking To Spirits and do the exercises contained in that book.

If you have already done this, you need to divest yourself of the spirits who are not happy being with you using solo sessions as described in the book. If you find that you have spirits you can’t handle, you need to get assistance from an SRT counselor who will use Spiritual Rescue Technology to set your unhappy spirits free and give you relief from their influence.

Once you have taken control of your spiritual companions so you are no longer distracted and doing destructive actions, you can start recruiting helpful spirits to join you in whatever projects you wish to work on. There are a couple of steps that make this task easy to accomplish.

Your first step is to write up an ideal scene for the area of life you wish to change. This is a description of the future state of your life in some important areas like health, relationships, success, physical or mental ability, or financial stability. The ideal scene will be as successful in defining the future state as it is complete.

Writing the ideal scene for something focuses your intentions regarding that activity and that focus will attract spirits who are interested in participating in that activity. You will find new ideas popping up as you write the ideal scene and as you begin working on your project. If your project is interesting, you will attract spirits with experience in that area and you will find yourself becoming more and more creative as you continue your work.

If you avoid distractions and concentrate on developing your ideas and working to improve your product or service, you will find your creativity continually increasing. This is because you will continue to attract new helpful spirits as long as you manage yourself and your activities so you continue to enjoy your work. Learning to manage spirits is the next skill you need to master.

When you enjoy what you are doing, you attract spirits who want to participate in what you are doing. If you are willing to learn how to manage your spiritual teammates, you will continue to prosper and get more proficient in whatever you are doing.

Managing spirits is a skill that can be learned, but you will not find this information in modern management texts. Spiritual organizations function best when all parties are exercising their free will. These organizations of spirits can reorganize themselves spontaneously as conditions change and they do not function well when you try to run them using a top-down management approach. People who try to order spirits to do things do not do well in life. 

Letting your spirits contribute freely in a harmonious manner uses their experience and produces results that will seem magical. It will seem to onlookers as if you are getting information and abilities out of thin air because you will achieve results you were never trained to produce. Teams of spirits work best using a bottom-up approach. You as the leader need a firm grasp on the results you wish to obtain, but you need to let your spiritual teammates use their experience to suggest approaches and solutions.

You need to keep this in mind:

Spirits are an incredible resource for those who can make use of their skills. They have knowledge from many lifetimes in every possible occupation and artform.

You may have to rehabilitate them and rescue them from incidents that they are trapped in, but their knowledge is priceless and is available to the skillful manager. If you wish to compose music, you can recruit dead composers as teenage prodigy Alma Deutscher does. If you wish to design cars, you can emulate Winnie Cheung of Chrysler. 13-year-old Aelita Andre is an incredible artist from Australia. It is almost unbelievable that she began painting when she was just 9 months old. There are hundreds of prodigies in fields like music, art, and even computer design who are creating outstanding designs with no formal training that would account for their proficiency.

All of these people have managed to attract helpful spirits and use them effectively. If you are willing to treat your spiritual companions as trusted friends, you can do the same. We are still in the early stages of learning to manage spirits and there is more to be discovered, but my personal experience from the past few years is that the rewards are incredible as I find myself at the age of 88 doing things I could not do a few years ago. In every area I have established a working relationship with spirits, I am doing new things and making discoveries that continue to change my life.

I invite you to start working with your spirits and sharing your successes and difficulties with the rest of us. In this way, we will add to our spiritual technology and will enable us to create a future where rapidly increasing ability is an expected activity.

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