Creating A Spiritual Rescue Technology Community – Part One

I have been engaged in discovering how to rescue spirits from traps since 2010 and have been using this knowledge in my counseling practice and have been sharing the technology in books and articles for the past 12 years. I have been assisted in this activity by many helpful people and I have endeavored to acknowledge you in my books and articles, but I have failed all of you in one significant regard.

Until today, I had not recognized the absolute necessity for establishing a Spiritual Rescue Technology Community to support you in your studies and in your continuing growth as spiritual beings. As you begin to learn the technology for freeing spirits from their long-term imprisonment in spiritual traps, you gain understandings that separate you from the restrictions of ordinary religious thought and parapsychological understandings. You are breaking away from the agreements of the rest of civilization and are developing agreements based on your own observations.

For your own sanity and peace of mind, you need to recognize that learning and using Spiritual Rescue Technology will cause you to violate the agreements you shared with the greater part of civilization. In SRT, you are encouraged to look at information which is forbidden to many people by their participation in organized religions. If you do not recognize this and accept it as the price of observing for yourself, you will find yourself concealing your activities and feeling guilty for possessing knowledge forbidden to others.

Guilt is an emotion you feel when you break an agreement you have made with others and cause damage as a result. You don’t feel guilt when you discover that Santa Claus is a myth, but you can feel guilt breaking the news to your younger siblings. Similarly, you won’t feel guilty learning that we are surrounded by innumerable disembodied spirits, but you can be made to feel guilt breaking the news to your religious family members. You can be made so guilty for shattering a belief system that you may invalidate what you have observed for yourself and render yourself unable to use what you have learned.

You can begin to live guilt-free when you recognize that you are a member of a Spiritual Rescue Technology Community which recognizes that spirits are immortal and animate every living thing in the material universe. The SRT Community encourages observation and recording of all spiritual activity for the purpose of restoring free will to all spirits everywhere. Our observations have led us to believe at this point that the dwindling spiral of life has been caused by us doing harm to others whether knowingly or unknowingly.

I am inviting your assistance in creating a Spiritual Rescue Technology Community and am submitting a few of my ideas as a basis for proceeding. These are not rules, they are a basis for agreements that define what the SRT Community is and does.

# The Importance Of Free Will – Members of the SRT Community are required to exercise their free will in being part of this community. If you do not agree with this you should not consider yourself part of the community.

# You Create The Community As A Member – Nothing about this community is cast in stone. If you discover information that negates prior observations, it is your duty to bring this information to the rest of the community. If you discover inconsistencies in prior observations or documentation, it is your duty as a community member to see these inconsistencies are resolved.

# You Participate In Creating The Community – Organization of the community is subject to discussion and determination by the community at large, but top down management is not to be part of the community organization. Participation by all members is encouraged, but those who collect and share knowledge will be considered the opinion leaders to follow. Bottom up knowledge transmission is essential if the community is to survive and expand.

# You Determine What Projects Are Executed – The Community organization should be project-based with membership in various project groups determined by those desiring to participate. Some of the projects I envision are: membership, recruiting, documentation, development of a code of honor, ability research, establishment of spiritual rights, creation of desirable effects at a distance, social research, life force research, society outreach projects, and SRT training and validation activities. You are expected to create projects to forward community goals.

If the idea of creating a community of like-minded spiritual workers excites you, leave your comments or send me a message at

My next post will include all of the agreements I consider necessary to define more completely what the SRT Community is and does. I will provide opportunities for you to select what area of the community you wish to take responsibility for.

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