What Agreements Are You Willing To Break ?

According to the dictionary, an agreement is a formal decision about future action that is made by two or more countries, groups, or people. Agreement to a course of action means allowing it to happen or giving it your approval. A broader definition of agreement includes making a decision about some future action that you intend to do. When you make such a decision, you intend to act in a certain way and as long as you maintain that intention, you continue to act according to your decision.

The most binding of agreements is an agreement with yourself. You intend to do something and until you change that intention, you continue to follow that agreement. It is a simple matter. What you intend happens if you continue to intend it, unless there are counter-intentions imposed by the environment or by others.

Consider what happens when an immortal being decides to lessen his power because he has done something harmful that he feels bad about. He decides he will no longer be able to create things out of thin air with intention alone or to destroy others with a thought. As of that moment, he no longer can do what he has done before.

If the immortal being does other things to solve problems and finds that he has done harm instead, he can make other decisions to lessen his ability to get into trouble. He can go into agreement that he is dangerous to his environment and may continue to make himself weaker and more harmless in order to gain approval and admiration instead of the hostility he has earned up to this point.

An immortal being of infinite power may decide to limit his ability so that he does not cause others to envy him and criticize him. He can make himself more like the others so they will accept him and approve of him.

An immortal being animating a human body can promise to love, honor and cherish another being in a body for ever and ever and wonder why they have conflicting urges regarding others from earlier lives. Agreements are forever unless they are made with an escape clause like, “until death do us part”.

A being can be part of an organization and swear fealty to a code of honor that is totally different from codes of honor from previous lives. When the body dies and he picks up a new body from a different tribe or planet he may adopt a code of behavior that is totally opposed to his earlier behavior.

After enough of these decisions, this being can decide he cannot remember all of these decisions as they make life too painful and he gives himself amnesia as a solution to the problem of too many conflicting decisions that have crippled him spiritually.

Which leads us to today, when we find ourselves blocked from being able to create happy relationships for ourselves, and unable to deal with the many problems of life because there appear to be barriers which prevent us from seeing clearly and acting rationally.

The answer is simpler than it might appear. We are all dealing with the residue of agreements made over our many lifetimes as humans and others and until we can contact a particular agreement, it will continue to exist and affect us.

If we decided to be celibate during a lifetime as a priest, this will certainly affect our behavior as an ordinary person in later lifetimes. If we agree to be a merciless warrior to survive in an age of unending war, we will have difficulties containing ourselves in times of stress in a competitive modern business environment or while working on a space station.

This situation is compounded by the fact we are surrounded by innumerable immortal spirits, all who have made similar agreements during their existences. Their prior agreements affect us daily and influence our behavior and our ability to create. They all made agreements which have determined their fates and have brought them to us in a troubled and distracted state that is somewhat worse than ours, because they are no longer able to animate bodies and affect the material world.

You might say we have decided ourselves into a corner. We have agreed that we are no longer mighty spirits with godlike powers and we are almost happy to go along and get along if nobody bothers us by making us do things we don’t want to do.

With Spiritual Rescue Technology, we can examine decisions made in the far distant past and see how we justified those decisions and determine if the decisions still apply. We do this every day in countless sessions where we communicate with spirits who are trapped by past agreements and get them to decide whether they are still bound by those agreements or not. As a being is freed from past agreements, he regains his free will and begins to regain abilities he has shut off for eons.

This activity is the first real approach to reversing the dwindling spiral of life which affects all spirits. We haven’t seen anyone teleport yet or exhibit godlike powers of creation, but we are seeing an incredible increase in telepathic communication between SRT users and other beings of all kinds. Those of us who have decided that it is OK to communicate mentally are finding it very useful when helping others decide what they want to do. We are entering an area of infinite possibilities.

You can learn more about this by following our discussions on various SRT sites on Facebook, Medium, Telegram, and by reading my books on amazon.com and elsewhere. Here is a link to a starter pack of information that will get you going an a voyage of discovery that has no equal.


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