Locating areas of disagreements in your body can help you heal injuries and damaged areas whether they are many years old or have occurred recently.

You can test your ability to use this technology by scanning your body, with your eyes closed, and perceiving any areas of disagreement. If you are aware enough, you will turn on pains wherever a disagreement exists and you can use the information in this article to heal yourself spiritually. If you cannot turn on pains and unwanted sensations when scanning for disagreements, you will need assistance from a trained Spiritual Rescue Technology user.

I just completed a session a few minutes ago where a client had disagreements located in his hip and in his lungs. We located and disposed of the hip disagreement in a few minutes and sent the spirit producing the disagreement to a physical therapy center where he would be able to use his training to help people with injuries. The client had picked this spirit up in a hospital during his recent stay and the spirit was still trying to work on a hip that did not need his help.

The client also had spirits creating a disagreement in the area of his lungs. They were trying to do things that the body was resisting because the body did not need what the spirits were doing. The spirits were stuck in a failed healing activity of many thousands of years ago and were trying to repeat actions that the client’s body did not need. We finally got them to wake up and they left to find some animals in the wild to work with. The client experienced great relief and his breathing is now normal.

Working with disagreements and agreements in the body produces faster results than trying to locate spirits though their personal signatures. Spirits seem to recognize disagreements even when they are not very conscious and they are able to answer questions about the disagreement so that the person can help them recover and set them free.

We will be discussing this new technology in a special SRT workshop this Sunday, August 25 and will be demonstrating how to use it in solo sessions as well. Mark your calendar for a Special SRT Workshop – Handling Body Disagreements, August 25th at 12 noon eastern time.

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