Are There People Who Are Unhappy With You?

You have probably created effects that they could not experience easily. It can be disheartening when you are doing your best to help people and they attack you viciously and even slander you. The reason for their upset is quite simple, You have broken Rule #1.

Rule #1: Cause only those effects that others can experience easily.

Otherwise, this is what will happen. You spend your life trying to help people and you end up feeling miserable and you lessen your ability to reach out and create new effects.

Charles Leffler and I spent some time Sunday examining the ins and outs of helping people and what it does to your ability to create. Your intentions may be admirable, but if you break Rule #1, you will fall on your sword and your name will become a curse word.

All creation is a reach and if you create effects that others cannot experience easily, you will generate so much counter-intention that you will discontinue reaching. If you care to look at every area of life where you retreated in defeat, you will see that you created effects that others could not experience easily. Those of you who are able to see your distant past will note that you were once able to do many things you cannot do now.

I have spent many years helping others become creative and have found time after time that our ability to create has diminished over many lifetimes and the invariable reason was that Rule #1 was broken, over and over again. If we are to truly recover our original power and creativity, we must learn to reach in a caring way and not break Rule #1. We also need to learn how to reach at the right speed, with the right intention, the right timing, and the right rhythm.

With the use of Spiritual Rescue Technology, we have been able to make progress in the area of rehabilitating our spiritual powers. At the same time, we have encountered situations where anything we care to create causes effects that others can’t experience easily. The answer to that is to change our environment and to choose other partners who can experience what we desire to create. If you are trying to create a better world in a criminal environment, you need to find a better neighborhood to operate in.

When you reach and withdraw in a caring way, you can predict the response you will get from your audience. If the audience does not respond positively to what you are saying and doing, you need to find a better audience. If you take the time to find out what people need and want before offering your solutions, you will be more likely to find an appreciative audience for what you are proposing to do.

When your solutions match the needs of the audience you address, you are likely to experience a successful exchange of goods and services. It all starts with reaching in a caring way.

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