Reaching and Withdrawing Revisited

Some of you may wonder how you can instantly tell if you are reaching or withdrawing. The answer is far simpler than you might imagine. If you are happy and eager to proceed, you are reaching. If you are unhappy, bored, discontented, fearful, terrified, or numb, you are withdrawing.

When you are reaching you are in present time and are experiencing life as it happens and eager for more. When you are withdrawing your attention is being forced toward past events and you are not happy at all with what is happening right now.

Are you happy? You are reaching.

Are you not happy? You are withdrawing.

If you are happy, you are reaching and should continue what you are doing, remembering to cause effects that others can experience easily.

If you are withdrawing, you merely need to find something or someone you want to reach for and do that while remembering to cause effects that others can experience easily. You are not doing anything wrong, you just need to find a better game to play or better people to play with.

Are you bored and unhappy at work? Are you unhappy with your present relationships? Are you unhappy with your present life? Are you willing to do what it will take to make others happy with you? If not, you probably need another game to play.

When you finally figure out how to provide others with a service or product they want, they will reward you with admiration and plenty of acknowledgment. As you expand your offerings, you will need to monitor how others are experiencing what you are providing. If your environment changes, it may cause a change in demand for your services or products. You will continue to succeed only as long as you can continue to provide experiences that others can experience easily.

If the demand for your services and products ceases, you need to withdraw and find other marketplaces where that demand continues, or start producing products and services that encourage you to reach out for new customers in your current environment. You can start by finding out what people want that you are willing to produce. That will start a new cycle of exchange in abundance which will continue until you are producing effects that others cannot experience easily.

At this point, you should reach for another opportunity and begin the cycle of exchange in abundance again.

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