Going out in style…

My dear friend Beth is closing the doors today on her blog, Switched At Birth. As with everything else Beth has done, she is ending her blogging for all the right reasons.

She has been an inspiration for me and I will miss her elegant and thoughtful posts. On the other hand, it is her blogging that has brought her to this decision point.

I think I might do the same in her place, if I were writing a journal rather than essays. It is possible that this may be a typical and logical endpoint for many blogs which are primarily personal journals

She has been writing a heart-warming and poignant personal journal complete with some of the most mouthwatering recipes you can imagine. She has now come to a fork in the road and has chosen to head off in two directions that do not seem to leave time for blogging.

Her final post, And They All Lived Happily Ever After. The End tells the story in her own inimitable fashion.

I will miss her weblog posts, but I now have her book and a TV series to look forward to. Sounds like a fair exchange to me. Visit her weblog while it is still up. You won’t regret it.


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