The writer/publisher – part 16

There is indeed daylight at the end of the tunnel. Publisher’s Graphics is coming through with the goods.

My first five copies of Danger Quicksand – Have A Nice Day arrived this afternoon and they are everything I’d hoped for! The rest of the 500 copies will be here early next week.

This was an entirely self-designed product, so there was always the possibility that I could miss a crucial step in producing this first book. Holding the books in my hands today, I heaved a sigh of relief. This looks and feels like a book that will last through several jobs. It has a smart-looking cover with arresting graphics and a laminated finish that defies fingerprints. The crisp, black, easily-read text is backed by substantial paper with no show-through. The page layout provides enough white space to annotate passages for future reference.

In celebration of these first copies, I am extending the free shipment offer to Tuesday of next week. Any book ordered by Tuesday, May 2, will go out signed and with free shipping.

If you order two copies of the book, you will get a free Danger Quicksand coffee mug. (I still have some of those on hand and will be happy to send you one.) Go to and order to your heart’s content. 🙂

Some of you who have provided me with quotes for the book or have hosted my blog ads, have not yet given me your addresses. Please do so. I like to keep my exchange in and I promised to send you suitably inscribed books. It’s hard to do that when you keep your address a mystery.

I will be away for a few days, so I may not be blogging every day. When I return, I will be shipping books and will have plenty to write about.

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