Magic Carpet Ride on an F-18

The generosity of people on the internet never fails to amaze me. We have free access to inspiring sights and sounds because of people like this pilot and the people who edited his video.
This exhilarating video of an unknown Navy Pilot in his F-18 Hornet is awe-inspiring, and the sound track combines the sound of the Hornet in flight with "Magic Carpet Ride" by Steppenwolf. Make sure your speakers are on.

The entire video is spent inside the cockpit of an F-18, from catapult launch, to landing back on the carrier with a thumbs-up. You’ll really feel like you’re riding on a "magic carpet" as the pilot puts his Hornet through its paces over the open ocean.

You will share the pilot’s joy in his prowess as you watch this video. He is truly free from the constraints of gravity.

If the above link doesn’t work on your system, you can download this video in many other formats.

Many thanks to Ryan Hickman, of , who has many other fine videos available for downloading.

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