Moblogging in Floyd

If you have been following this thread, you may have wondered why I devoted so much space to a couple of local businesses.

It’s because they are examples of superior small business practices, and that’s what this weblog is really all about. I receive no compensation for mentioning them.

The common thread in most posts on this weblog is how we make a better transition from employment by others to a post-corporate life where we are largely self-employed.

I try to take examples from life and identify the important factors underlying successful or unsuccessful businesses. If you are self-employed, adopting these factors may contribute to your own success.

Both Oddfellas Cantina and Cafe Del Sol provide an outstanding customer experience. To the extent that they continue to recognize and support the specific actions which produce this result, they will flourish and prosper.

I won’t give away their secrets, but the owners of both businesses listen closely to customer comments and suggestions. They pay attention to details affecting customer satisfaction.

To give you an example, Oddfellas, which is a small cafe, has a music coordinator, Chris Luster, who books acts, sets up and manages the sound system, and arranges the stage for each performance.

He works with the musicians to ensure that they are fully prepared and performances go smoothly.

This is skillfully done while patrons continue dining a few feet away.

There is never the fumbling and thumping that accompanies performances in many small clubs. Sound levels are appropriately set for the size of the club and for the type of music featured.

There are a lot of bigger clubs that don’t do as well.

Professionalism is important in a company of any size. These two businesses are excellent examples to follow.

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