Glenn Beck’s Restoring Honor Rally – Washington, DC on August 28th

(click images to enlarge)

WASHINGTON (AP) — From the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, conservative broadcaster Glenn Beck told the huge gathering of activists that the U.S. has too long “wandered in darkness.”

In one of his many references to Martin Luther King, Beck noted that he had spent the night before in the same Washington hotel where King had put the finishing touches on his "I Have a Dream" speech.

Sarah Palin, greeted by chants of “USA, USA, USA” from many in the crowd, told the gathering, “It is so humbling to get to be here with you today, patriots. You who are motivated and engaged … and knowing never to retreat.”


Palin likened the rally participants to the civil rights activists from 1963. She said the same spirit that helped them overcome oppression, discrimination and violence would help this group as well.

Alveda King, a niece of the civil rights leader, appealed to Beck rally participants to "focus not on elections or on political causes but on honor, on character … not the color of our skin."

For more images of the Restoring Honor Rally, visit and


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