The Floyd Tea Party held its third meeting August 17th

Sixty five people attended the third meeting of the Floyd Tea Party at the Jessie Peterson Memorial Library on August 17th at 7:30 pm. 


Temporary Vice Chairman Ed Woodruff presided over the meeting and managed the process of nomination of a permanent set of officers. Final voting will take place on the next meeting of the Floyd Tea Party on Thursday September 16th at the Jessie Peterson Memorial Library.


You can read more about the meeting and the activities of the Floyd Tea Party at the Floyd Tea Party website.

This is the second Tea Party meeting I have attended and I feel that this conservative grassroots participation in the political process is definitely maturing and becoming focused on achievable goals. Since this is a self-organizing activity, I can understand how naysayers have difficulty recognizing the power of this movement. There is no recognized leader to attack, only ordinary taxpayers who have discovered that their individual rights have been sold away by their elected representatives.

People from all walks of life are finding common goals and are beginning to share their concerns about where the country and state is going. I am hearing conversations and programs that give me hope that we can slow the trend toward increased government control in my lifetime. The idea that our grandchildren will still be paying for the excesses of the current and past administrations spurs me on to support the reformation of our government. The clearest path to regaining national sanity would seem to be that we should stop those activities which are violations of our Constitution.

The Floyd Tea Party is just one part of a large network of individuals who want to follow the precepts of the Constitution of the United States. The Tea Party movement has had its growing pains. I attended a rally in Rocky Mount in 2009 and had difficulty locating further activities because there was little in the way of local websites. That has changed dramatically. There are Tea Party chapters all over the state of Virginia now: List of Virginia Tea Party groups

Here are two earlier articles I wrote: Tax Day Tea Party in Rocky Mount, VA and The Tea Party Phenomenon

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